Saturday, January 29, 2011


100 miles!

I can't believe that I've actually reached 100 miles!!!!!  This is probably no big deal for most of you.  wellllllllllllllllll, its pretty stinkin' awesome for me!  hahaha  Not because I couldn't physically do it - but because I WOULDN'T physically do it! 

I just can't help looking back over this month and I can't stop myself from wondering what God is doing right now in Asia, while He's working on my heart here.  It's just 1000 miles for me.  It's going to be life-changing for a community, Lord-willing!  I am humbled that God would use me at all.  With motivations that aren't pure, hearts that aren't always soft and pliable, attitudes that can use an adjustment most of the time -  still, God can use us to accomplish His plans. I get to be His feet for these 1000 miles, and I gotta say - I'm loving it.

January is almost over.  Don't you remember just saying "Happy New Year"?  I mean - wasn't that like 4 nights ago???  The other day I was thankful for seasons in life - but today looking back over January - I'm really thankful for SEASONS.  You know - winter, spring, summer or fall. 


Ok, I'm back now. hahaha  Love that song - My dad used to sing that song as if Jesus was singing it to Him.  "You've got a friend."  mmmmm - so good.

Back to seasons - Isn't it so cool that we can keep track of time?  That God blessed us with markers throughout the year, so time doesn't slip through our hands!  We get to plan ahead and look forward. We get to look back and reflect.  Learning, appreciating, anticipating, adjusting - its all part of the gift of time and seasons of life.

One month down.  900 miles to go.  sweet

100 miles.  Lord, its all You.  My track record has shown in the past that I start many projects and finish few.  This is all You.  Thank You :)

Charlie's Angels pose. hahahahaha  the girls in my family - even Bijou.  They're awesome :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Silliness makes my world go round! hehe

I surround myself with friends who know how to laugh... (oh - and give a good hug!  )  Its just sooooo key to my life!  I will laugh at myself, at life, and I most certainly will laugh at you!  in a good way of course ... but I'm just a laughin kind of girl.
P.S. do not fall in front of me.  My first reaction is to laugh - sorry.  :)

Walking with Jodi, Ian and Matt for miles 94-96 was pretty much talking and laughing the whole time.  So we decided to start a new trend for the pictures.  Silly poses.

I don't think I took the picture at the right second to capture the essence of the silly moment.... but when I look at it, I can't help but smile at my friends and their hearts, and their willingness to be a part of my life and my well-walking journey! 

Aren't you glad that God gives us seasons in life?  Last week was a little rough, but I'm so thankful that the joy of the Lord is my strength.  (One of my favorite verses, by the way)  When we are being attacked, the devil goes right for the joy - doesn't he?  He knows that's where our strength lies.  Isn't it strange to think about the devil knowing Scripture too?    Yep - even he is bound by God's Word!   So a little encouragement for you... don't let him rob your joy in the midst of the struggle, cuz he sure will try!  Let Christ be your joy!

Love to all my silly friends out there - you are God's gift to me :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rollercoasters and allergies

Nearing the end of my walk on Monday, I decided to do a little run - jog - whatever!!  I moved faster!  Seeing all the runners on the dirt side of the path, instead of on the pavement - I decided... well of course I'm gonna do what they're doing!  They look like they know the ropes - I should follow suit.
I finished up the three miles and thought I must have inhaled most of the dust I kicked up because it felt like fiberglass had shredded the inside of my nasal passage and throat.  For the rest of the night, I sufferrrrrrrrrred!  Horribly allergic to dust, I wheezed and sneezed and sniffed.  My poor face felt like a balloon.  Serves me right for following the crowd.  Just cuz everyone else is doing it does not mean I should.  A lesson I thought I had learned in fourth grade after sliding down the bannister with a skirt on.  hmph.
Up, down, the rollercoaster of life goes on!  My good friends, Benadryl and Nyquil, kissed me on the head and rocked me to sleep - ha!
I thought I was finished with rollercoasters, but just ended up just moving on into another line for a bigger, badder version.  You know - family stuff, hurts, tears, lots of actively "choosing joy" (thanks for that phrase Linda - I use it all the time!) But God is good.  Jami was signed up for mile 90 on Tuesday, and her mom Lori also joined us, and wow - what a ride that was :)  God had some good stuff for me.  What if I had taken the day off cuz I was just so tired?  What if I didn't feel like choosing joy?What if I felt like choosing lazy?  If you get the chance, talk to Jami's mom, Lori, about Heart for Africa - story after story that will just lift your heart to God's goodness!!!  Lori needed to leave us halfway to run back home to take a friend to the airport, so Jami and I got to talk.  I love that woman.  She is third trimester pregnant and wanting to walk with me!!  And can I tell you - I thought "wooo hoooo! what an easy walk this will be!  She's prego!  Come onnnnnn!"  Ashamed to say, I did a little huffing and puffing.  Darn it! 
We only got two miles in, cuz Paul didn't want the baby coming just yet... (whatever Paul!!!  Your wife could outwalk me anyday! hahahaha) so I finished up on my treadmill at home.  But those two miles were precious and uplifting and sunny and beautiful.  I am loving this project more and more by the day. 
On the walk, Sydney had started getting tired, and later when I asked if she was feeling alright on the walk - she said - "well, my feet were getting tired, but then when I got to push Jed," (Jami's son - in the stroller) "well - he just lit me up!!!"
She just lights me up! 
Last story - quick one.  As far as rollercoasters - God really does have purpose in the ups and downs.  I went to a women's tea Tuesday night.  Julie is a master decorater and no one is EVER allowed to come into my home right after leaving hers - hahahahaha.  She put such special touches in every detail - it was straight from a magazine.  Amazing.  It was so special, and the time with the ladies was even more so - but that isn't really what I wanted to share.  I was so tired - mentally - from the rollercoaster ride.  Just sad - heartbroken - low.  I did not want to go to the tea, but I had committed - and so I went trusting that God had me going for a purpose.  There was.  Many.  But too much to mention - and well, ya just had to be there!  haha (so come next time!)  But here is one thing I WILL tell you.  Carla mentioned something really sweet.  We were talking about adversity, and she mentioned something interesting about grapevines.  Apparently, if you baby a grapevine - it doesn't produce good grapes.  When it struggles, and has to send its roots down deep and wide, that's when it produces the best fruit.
hmmmm  I just let that one soak right in. 
Let me dig deeper in You, Lord.  Help me produce good fruit.
And as to the rollercoaster, my hands are lifted high and all i have is one word for you.
That's my big boy, and my two littles - and of course the dreaded FIBERGLASS DIRT PATH to the left.  see it there?  see how harmless it seems????  Be fore-warned. It's pure evil. 

What a beautiful walk.  San Diego must have the most secret nooks and crannies all over the county.  I have never been here before, but I hope to be back.  Gorgeous walk with gorgeous friends and family :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

In the middle of the night, I go walking in my sleep

Know that song?  hehehehe   I'm sure I'll be singing it for the next few days now. grrrrr

I love good old Billy Joel songs but - I was not walking in my sleep and it wasn't in the middle of the night. But we did walk in the dark!  It was sooooo much fun too!  It's neat to do things a little differently every once in a while.  Just two days ago, I watched the sun rise while walking, and tonight I got to watch it set.  Sunsets on the mountain are breathtaking.
Walking through the cool of the night, with the wind blowing at our backs, and flashlights in hand, we trekked our full three miles.  Matt tried to scare us a few times, but we're walking warriors now.  Ghost stories are for wimps!  hahahaha
I love that my little journey is picking up more partners along the way!  This walk is becoming much more enjoyable than I could have ever imagined!  Thanks to my kids, my sister and my Mattster for making miles 79-81 go by so fast!  God, you have blessed me with the best family!
In the pictures - look at the observatory in the one pic - cool, huh?!? 
(Click on the pics to make em bigger!)
That bright white dome in the middle is the observatory.

My family :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm up. Where's the sun?

Remember the show LOST?  My sister and I used to love to read the LOST diary every week, where Daniel would get together with his friends and make comments, minute by minute, as the show was unfolding.
So here's a tribute to you Daniel!  hahahaha

Well Worth the Walk:  Episode #25  "Crack-O-Dawn. Oy!"

5:47 Cory (yes Cory again...) dragged me on a walk before the sun was up.  There is a reason why you sleep when its dark.  And its dark.  and freezing.

5:49 Arrive at our starting point. no talkie please. just walkie.

5:51 Realize that I am walking in the pitch black mountain. Do mountain lions prefer boys or girls? No really. which one????

5:52 Sounds in the trees.

5:52:01 Freaking out a little bit.  I won't let on!  Cory's faster for sure - but he's wearing that 40 pound pack.  I think I can outrun him if the lion attacks.  tee hee.

5:54 Only minutes in, and legs are already burning.  Greeeeeat.  Don't check the pedometer. Don't check the pedometer. Don't check the pedometer.  Doh!  That's it?  It must be broken.

5:57  Hit our stride, eyes start adjusting to the dark.  There are days when I love my mountain.  This is beginning to be one of them.

6:01 The sun is just starting to lighten the sky, and wind has almost completely died down.  The black trees silhouetted against the colors in that sky!!!!  Ok this isn't THAT bad.

6:04  Make it to the outermost point of our stretch - he says let's keep going.  I whine.  He laughs and turns around.

6:09  Legs are fine now. Sky is really starting to get pretty.  I'm stopping him from the walk every minute to take pictures of the sky for the blog.  I think Cory is reeeeeeally loving the blog after the 37th picture.

6:21 Passing the JEEP.  Halfway done...huh, how bout that.

6:23 Passing the ranger station, talking EXTREMELY loud ( ok you know me too well.  I'm yelling.) before I realize people are living there.  oops :)

6:50 Talking, laughing, talking, laughing...oh man!!!! When you get the chance - ask Cory about the time he - hahahahaha  wait - how did we get home so fast???

6:51 This was fun!  Alright alright.... maybe we'll do it again next week  :)  See if we can't recruit a few more uh, participants :)  Emily??  Joey??  Dru???  Bueller... Bueller... Bueller?   :)

75 miles reached today!  I got an encouraging text from Pastor Tony saying that it was like walking to San Diego and back!  How cool is that?!?! 

(I actually had to come home and jump on the treadmill for .30 miles to make it exactly 3 miles, but the GPS on the pedometer was out for a bit.  So we probably did do the full 3.  What do you want? I live in the BOONIES.) 

It feels so strange to have my miles in already and its not even 8:00 yet.  I kinda like it!  I kinda like sleep too though so.... we'll see what wins out in the end :)

I've just checked my virtual "Donation Jar" - and I have a BIG thanks to everyone!!!!  Its awesome to be partnered with you!!!!  Please keep praying over this gift - not just my legs and whiny attitude hahhaha - and not just the financials... but over every aspect you can think of! 

Love you all

Will post the cool pictures I took later!  I have to go through the FEW that I took (hahahaha) and see if any can actually showcase what I was seeing this morning.  I doubt it - but use your imagination :) 

Ok i put them up - as you can see below.  If you click on them, you can see them larger for more detail.

The morning sky chasing away the evening darkness.

Sunrise and moonset :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sea, Sky, and Sixty!

I'm starting to think differently.  Its so cool how God can change hearts.  My heart is fully committed to this walk, and so I know everyday I will be planning my day with 3 miles tacked on somewhere.  I'm finding myself feeling less mentally and physically sluggish, and more hmmmm how should I put it?  Well - I'm not exactly excited about my walks yet.  But before I had a negative resignation... and now its becoming a positive resignation.  Does that make sense?  Maybe its the same feeling, but just a different perspective.

It got me thinking about how so much about life and our walk is all about perspective.  How we view the moments in our day can change our mood, and then our actions, and then our thoughts, and then our mood, and then our actions...

Starting my day focused on who I am in Christ,  what He's done for me, what He will continue to do for me as my day unfolds, and recognizing that He's there in every moment - it just refocuses the lens of my life. 

My sister just recently got glasses.  She didn't even know that she needed them, but she decided to make an eye appointment at the end of the year.  The doctor told her she had a teeny tiny astigmatism and ordered glasses for her.  She didn't even realize that she could be seeing better until she put the glasses on!

On our own, we slowly get used to the blurriness - we think its normal and typical - we don't even expect more!  We might even begin to expect a gradual lessening of clarity over time.  I can get used to not doing some form of exercise to the point where its just easy to adjust my life around that. But then, the Doctor orders a new pair of glasses for me, and I'm seeing life through His lenses.  (and unlike our physical eyes, we can expect a gradual increase of clarity over time! Now, that's just sweet.)

Today's walk brought me past SIXTY miles :)  Three miles would have brought me to the 60 marker, but I was feeling like more than 3 miles today.  Not because I had to, or someone encouraged or challenged me - just because I wanted to.  That's different.  That's new.  That's exciting!

I walked all along the ridge of my awesome mountain  (on a road this time... hahaha) and I came upon some awestruck travelers who had driven all the way up to see our view.  They were in amazement as they pointed out Mexico, the San Diego skyline, San Clemente island and Catalina island to one another.  They asked me to identify a few things for them as I passed them and told me I was pretty lucky to live up here.

I just nodded and smiled as I walked away thinking... not lucky - blessed :)

Yep - that is the sun shining off the ocean.  I take pictures with the iPhone - so they're not that great.  With your own eyes, its a pretty amazing sight to see.

See the water?  In the picture, it might be difficult, but off in the distance you can see the islands.  Come up and visit and I'll show you the real thing :)  CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO ENLARGE.


My sister in her new glasses - seriously - could she be any cuter??? 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pros and Cons

Did you know there was a danger in telling people that you have started to get serious about exercise?

Yep. ohhhhh yes there are a few of them!

Top 3 reasons to not share this information:

3.  The quarterback slaps you keep getting as "encouragement"  hahahaha ( i don't know if they're really called that.  but you know what i mean, right? SO ANNOYING!!!!!)

2.  All that extra accountability that just comes out of every nook and corner imaginable. Do you "fit" people just spread the word?? Its like wildfire!!!

 and the #1 reason to keep your exercise goals to yourself... (at least in the beginning)

1.  Fit people want to "help" you by inviting you along on their regular exercise regimens.  Another way of putting this?  Fit people try to kill you.  kill you dead.

So all this was running through my mind today during our unplanned hike.  Not your average hike - mind you.  Though I was told it would be a hike, it was actually my very own personal Green Mile! ha!  (folks who have never seen that movie... well, pretty much the last long walk to my death. and it was MORE than a mile!!!!)

you think I'm being dramatic, I can see it in your eyes! hahaha.  But we walked up a mountain. a MOUNTAIN.  Guys, I'm serious.  a real mountain.  there were no trails!!!  It was like unchartered territory!! From a distance, it looked intimidating - sure,  but i kinda thought it was sorta do-able.  (ah poor naive sap that I am)

When we got to the base, (which would have been a challenging but pretty cool 3 mile hike to just turn around right there! hahahaha) what appeared to be beautiful flowing grass that I saw from far far away was now a sea of long, tangled, unkempt weeds that hid dips and crevices, and all manner of stumbling blocks!!!

We made it to the top of THAT portion after hmmm 15 minutes???  and then the real ascent began.  I'm done describing.  I'll just tell you this much. We were so far beyond civilization we found deer bones. ha!  Like-  a humerus and a radius!!!!  (i hope they were deer bones.)

ok well. I'll stop complaining now!  Cuz its over, thank you God that its over.  And I did it.  I actually kept up with the "fitties" hahahaha.  But before I end, I will now give you MY top 10 reasons why I am glad that I told people that I am getting serious about exercise through our little "Well Worth the Walk" campaign.

(not in any particular order)

  • I have consistently walked 3 miles a day, through His strength, knowing that this is much bigger than me getting "fit".  I am doing it for others, partnered with others - and the bigger picture is so much better when it's shared with others. I can't even imagine doing it alone.
  • Exercise is just way more fun with people to share the burden, sweat, laughter, and even tears. Walking with my family has been so much fun!!!
  • Getting to help a dear, sweet friend train for his fire & rescue training as we trekked up that mountain (we love you Cory)
  • Hearing "You are the BEST leaper!" from my daughter's mouth as I shakily jump from one side of the creek and barely make it to the other side on today's journey.
  • Hearing my son say "Mom, you're a trooper!" as he hears me huff and puff my way up the mountain 10 feet behind him!  oh - by the way, the kids were unstoppable; they are amazing.
  • After successfully completing the *ahem* HIKE, getting to listen to my husband tell everyone I'm Sarah Connor... (you know - the superfit woman in the Terminator?? hahaha)  ok ok he called me Sandra Connor first, but he MEANT the Terminator chick.
  • Realizing that they weren't REALLY trying to kill me.  They knew I could do it, would do it, and encouraged me the entire way.
  • They seriously got me to walk up a mountain.  Have you ever seen the view from atop a mountain?  How about a mountain YOU JUST CLIMBED?  That view is infinitely superior :)
  • Doing things that I never thought I could (or would really even want to attempt actually) and being thankful in a whole new way for the gift of health, strength, and endurance that God has blessed me with.
  •  All that extra accountability that just comes out of every nook and corner imaginable. Do you "fit" people just spread the word?? Its like wildfire!!!  -thanks :)
Like I said in yesterday's post - picture worth a thousand words - being there and seeing it with your own eyes, a trillion words.  Here are pictures from today's journey.  I should have taken a picture with them still on the mountain for perspective - because in one of these pictures, this looks like a hill, and I can assure you -it is not.  It is the view that actually deceived me into attempting the ascent in the first place hahahaha.  If you look closely, you might be able to see a fence - that should give you a little perspective.  All in all, I'm glad I did it, because I will probably NEVER do it again. hahahaha

But you know what they say: never say......

This is when it was still a fun adventure! hahahaha
Walking down through TRAILS to get TO the base of the mountain.

Over the river and through the woods...
Still walking to the base.  still kinda fun :)

About 1/3 of the way up, you can kinda make out a teeny tiny fence.
It was a normal fence - Its just stinkin far away.  Can you see it?  Yeah right!  How's that for perspective?  We went beyond the deceptively smooth looking light green portion, all the way up to the top of the dark green wild brush. OY!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Water, Water, Everywhere...

I got to experience a different kind of water today!  For Christmas, my inlaws bought our family tickets to go whale-watching!  My dad came along as well - because we bought him a ticket for his birthday!  My sister surprised us by sneaking down secretly and joining the excursion!   My mom stayed home to watch Bijou and we missed her like crazy!!! 

What an amazing time!  It was a 3 hour tour ***pause for Gilligan's Island fanatics***

no - the weather wasn't getting rough, and our tiny ship did not get lost... :)

but we DID see SO MUCH whale activity - it was unreal!  Afterwards, the snackbar attendant said he had worked on that ship for the past 18 months and had never seen so much activity himself.

I told him, well we prayed for it!  He said - hey it worked!  (huh. how about that!  hahaha)

It was like God said "I'd like you whales to surround their ship and play back and forth until they've had their fill!"

And of course, I'm sitting there, having a fantastic time, and I'm amazed at these creatures that are right - beyond - the - boat!  They are surfacing and blowing and diving - so close we can hear their blows! Just hearing the guide talk about how it looked like 2 of the males were escorting the female down to the warmer waters... I mean - wow!!!  just - WOW!  Think about that for a second.  That is just the coolest.

These huge mammals are swimming in this immense ocean, and here we are - right in their path, enjoying the show!  If that wasn't enough - the dolphins were literally ripping squeals of delight from us.  They were so playful and fun to watch! What a spectactular day!  What a special experience! 

The God that created all that is spending time right now weaving and devising and making intricate plans. He is busy right now, knitting hearts and communities together.  We don't even know the people that will get His well!!  But He does!  Sitting in that boat, I felt so small.  Like we were all just dots on a spinning ball of dirt in this massive universe, but to Him - we are His Beloved.  We're special.  I'm so happy to be a part of this.  I'm so happy that you are a part of this.  Thanks for your compassion and your giving hearts :)  I love you!

Well they say a picture is worth a thousand words.  I tried to piece together snapshots of this whale diving.  If a picture is worth a thousand words - being there and seeing it with your own eyes is worth a trillion words.

This picture does not really do any justice, and if you get the chance - get down to Harbor Drive and book yourself a 3 hour whale watching tour.  They guarantee that you will see whales - so you can't go wrong!  And when you're down there in the middle of all that water.... think about the gift of water you get to be a part of and bask in the blessing :)

Whale have to see this with your own eyes someday :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Passing mile 40 today :)

I've actually been having a BLAST lately when it comes to my walking!  We all went walking with my mom on Friday - and the time just FLEW by!  When it was time to make our last lap - she and I continued walking as Joe and the kids got to take a break and head for the playground.  I felt great and we were just chit-chatting away - and it was so much fun!  Then, yesterday the kids and I took a walk with my sister, and we OF COURSE spent more time laughing than breathing.  I'm not sure if what we were doing was really that funny - or if the thin air of the mountain was just making us delusional.  Either way - almost passing out with laughter is a great way to pass the time when you walk.   hahahaha
The time was so enjoyable walking these last few days, that I'm looking forward to planning me next weekend walks with my family!

(me next weekend walks???  I s'ppose me Irish is showin'! hahaha)

ANYWHO. It made me think of those verses in Ecclesiastes that talk about how partnership is so important, and doing things alone vs. doing things in pairs or a group.  I love it when God shows His Word to be true in our everyday lives.  When I was walking alone - the time was the same amount of minutes as when I was walking with my family - but my spirit was so much lighter and buoyant with them!  When I was "falling down", they were there to pick me up!  Sweet.  :)

You can even take the partnership one step further!  Its not just the walk (though that is having some awesome benefits to me!  I am feeling WONDERFUL physically!)  but the gift that we get to give at the end!  And all the people sponsoring, and praying, and walking - they're all partners and get to share in the reward at the end!  What an amazing reward for our toil!! :)

I'll post some pics of the walk in the fog - it was cold, but it was quite the adventure!  Poor little Bijou was up to her armpits in mud, and at one point just put her face right into a mud puddle - but she was a trooper!  She kept up with her teeny tiny legs and had energy to chase the kids up until the last step!

 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
(Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 ESV)

Walkin' in the fog!
Pretty little waterfall :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

MILE 30 :)

that kinda went by fast!  i mean - everyday it feels like its dragging ha!.. but now looking back, it just seems like wow - really? 10 days already? huh!

feels good!

still can't believe that people really have to do this just to get water everyday.  and not even good clean water.  crazy!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Mile marker 250, 500, 750, and 1000!!

 I was thinking what a difference it makes when I'm walking on my treadmill vs. walking outside with my sister!  The time just flew by outside with my sis, we were laughing and talking and the kids were having a blast and my niece Bijou was cracking us up the whole time as she was attempting to act like a very tough 5 pound killer!  (yes, my niece is a dog. my sister and brother have no kids - so I'll take what I can get! hahaha) 

Anyway - it was so fun!!! and then with today's miles - I was literally checking the miles on my treadmill every thirty seconds.  yay. another 1/16 of  a lap.

it was kinda cool though- cuz it felt like it was taking soooooooo long. so i sped it up and jogged a half mile.  (I know i know.  I'm such an athlete.)   heyyyy - its a big deal for me!!

back to my point!  I was thinking - how fun would it be to have a bunch of people walk with me on the really big mile markers!  like the day i hit 250 miles, 500, 750 and then the final 1000 MILE MARK! WOO HOO!  we could have a little celebration!  :)

My beautiful sister Laurel  :)
I just have to think of some cool scenic spots to mark those days.  so - today finished mile 27.  tomorrow is 30!  fun!!!! 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Catching up!

Well it's day 7 and I just finished mile #21! I haven't been able to get online to blog because our Internet is down. Sigh- the price you pay for living in the boonies! Haha
It's still down now so I am actually posting with my hubby's iPhone! Gotta love it. :)

It's snowing today so I was back on the treadmill but yesterday I had the best time walking with the kiddles and my sister! Time flew by and we had such fun! I'll see if I can post a pic of where we got to go when I can get back online :)  (pics are now posted below - EXTRA CREDIT: anybody know where they were taken??)

the kids are too fast for me :)

Looking forward to getting out with her again but I'm sure we will be homebound with snow for a few days, yuck! I thought I left east coast weather behind me for good!
Oh well :)

Mickles the Pickles taking a rest

Time to go snuggle with the Princess of Snuggling. Movie time for us while the snow comes down. We thought we were locked out of the house today for a few minutes and can I just tell you... Looking for the key in the beginning of a snowstorm- wow!!!! Whole new appreciation for a nice cozy warm house. Thank you Lord for providing for all our needs!!

Cool sculpture in the Magical Garden!