Sunday, June 5, 2011

Best day ever :)

yesterday was the best day!

it was the culmination of sooooo many answers to prayer!

i had been (in another project) coming up against so many brick walls - and then on Friday - boom!  showers of blessings!
everyone returned my calls- all in one day - things I had been searching for - for MONTHS! - the Lord finally led me straight to them!  and the fun thing is - he used such an unexpected messenger! hehehehe  ahhhh, my new brilliant friend Michael (from Texas, California, Europe???) will always have a special place in my heart hehehehe  (sorry - inside joke to my sister, hubby, and son)

so Saturday I just woke up in a beautiful wonderful stress free mood! 

I took Joey to the SAT's  (and he thinks he did well - i'm sure he did!!)  and with the time that I had waiting, I decided to work on a different project.  wow - i got sooooooooooo much done!  The Lord tied up all my loose ends with a gorgeous bow on top!  I sat back and was so unbelievably thrilled with how that 2nd project turned out.

When Joey mistakenly gave me the wrong time to pick him up, Joe suggested I walk the track at EHS.  It was the middle of the day - and so hot in the car, and i was like ehhhhh.

but I did it anyway - and i was so blessed!!  the weather in the car was ugh.  the weather outside of the car was perfect!  I started walking around the track and was surrounded by warriors! :)  don't you just love being surrounded by people of the same mind, the same passion, the same heart?!?!  people running, training, sprinting, football players throwing those tires around - you know, the huge tractor tires??  So with me racing around the track at my breakneck speed of 3.5 miles per hour (tee hee) I felt like I was training among true athletes. 

no - not among them... one of them!!  lol

its funny what your environment can do, right?  I was convinced that they were equally impressed with my feat of athleticism!  you know.... walking.


anyway!  then i came home and my sissy was there!  we got to spend time together talking, walking (yep just a bit more walking!), always laughing - and then she surprised us with a sweet gift!  Joe had changed her brakes, so she sent us out on a date!  We got to go out to eat, and then went to a movie.

Now - i have no idea what's in the theatres right now.  (I only know about two specific movies that are coming up and in the next few months, and Paula.... i can. not. wait. hehehehe)

but when you decide to go to a movie and you dont' know whats in - its pretty much a crapshoot.  Can i say crapshoot???  LOL that has to do with a game of chance, right?? not literally shooting.. forget it.

back to what i was saying!  so you gotta just kinda look at fandango's reviews and pick one.  we've done this before and been sorry - oh so sorry that we wasted the money, and frankly, been super sorry that we had lost 2 hours of our lives that we were never getting back!

but i wanted to go - and time was a-wastin... and i suggest a movie, and Joe says yep - sounds perfect, (which really means it was the perfect time cuz he wasn't paying attention to the reviews i was reading - only what times i was quoting... Joe, dont' even try, i know you too well)  i believe his exact words were "yeah, that one at 7:45 sounded great." 

"which one?"

"the one at 7:45"

hehehe at least he makes me laugh.

long story short (too late) - it was THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!!  maybe it was just a great end to a perfect day,  maybe it was cuz the tickets were $4.50 each (Temeku Cinemas - please don't ever go out of business), but i really loved that movie!

it was exactly the kind of movie i love!!!  twists, turns, puzzles, action, twoo wuv (hehe slightly obscure reference to my favorite movie of all time - anyone?  anyone?) and a great ending!!!  of course i figured it all out halfway through the movie, but i enjoy that!!!  cuz then when it all goes according to the plan in my head, i think... oh what a wonderful writer.. to give me just what i wanted!  lol

then we stop at the mailbox on the way home, and i have an invitation to meet K.P. Yochanan at a dinner in June - how cool is that????   (he is the founder for Gospel for Asia - the one that wrote Revolution in World Missions - the book that God used to point me on this path of well worth the walk :) 

and now.... now i wake up, and it hasn't ended.  looks like it wasn't just a perfect day!  it was part of an incredibly blessed weekend!  because i'm up - and i'm loved, and i'm writing to you, and i'm about to start getting ready for church!

i love my church.  i'm sure you all love yours, too - but i'm sorry to tell you, I have the best one.  :)

been worshipping, but can't wait to continue worshipping among my fellow saints!  don't you just love being surrounded by people of the same mind, the same passion, the same heart....

it's funny what your environment can do, but isn't it wonderful what the Spirit will do?

love you all,
Leah :)

pics today!!!

Gladiators go to arenas.  Warriors go to the track - and today my friends, I was a warrior.  lol

Eye of the Ti... Cougar?  sing it out, Rocky fans.  You know you'll have that song in your head for the rest of the day now.  You're welcome :)

Say it with me.  which party?
Party 543, baby.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight,
 and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
  looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him
endured the cross,  despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.


  1. Your favorite movie wouldn't be Princess Bride, now would it?

  2. hehehehe Susie!!

    "Sonny, true love is the greatest thing in the world. Except for a nice MLT: a mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe. They're so perky, I love that."

  3. Fezzik: We face each other as God intended. Sportsmanlike. No tricks, no weapons, skill against skill alone.
    Man in Black: You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword, and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?
    Fezzik: [brandishing rock] I could kill you now.
    Man in Black: Frankly, I think the odds are slightly in your favor at hand fighting.
    Fezzik: It's not my fault being the biggest and the strongest. I don't even exercise.

  4. Yoda trained in the "School of Montoya"!!!
    Leah/Warrior trained in the "School of The Risen Son"!!!

    Man in Black: [as he is unsuccessfully fighting Fezzik] Look, are you just fiddling around with me or what?
    Fezzik: I just want you to feel you're doing well.
