Thursday, June 2, 2011

500 at 543?

Yep - 500 is fast approaching!

however... many many things are happening in the month of June.

so how about a 543 party :) 

i like the sound of that!!! its so ultra-hip! hehe 

let's be really chic.  Party 543.  It sounds like a fantastic new hotspot.  LOL

so - come celebrate the halfway point with me!!  ok - a little over half, but really - just like Jami said on Sunday - we just want a reason to celebrate! it doesn't have to be exactly 500!  i like that girl.  :)

I have been doing a LOT of walking at Kit Carson - and i liiiiiiiike that park!  its perfect for our party.
you know...Party 543.  (sounds so cool- had to say it again)
there is plenty of parking, we can walk and party at the same place!  and its beautiful!  so i'm thinking June 25 or June 26.  It depends on my hubby - cuz he MUST be able to attend.  he's my favorite :)

This time it will be an ice cream social.  so i will bring the ice cream, bowls, and spoons!  Everyone can bring their favorite topping, and we will have fun sharing!  :)  I will have new games to play too - hehehe so make sure to keep an eye on Justin K. and my mom.  They are fun to watch! LOL

I'm in a talkative, silly mood today.  Blame it on Susie V.  She got me sidetracked off my schedule today!  I wrote her a long email and had so much fun :)  (Hi Susie!!!)

So I was feeling guilty about neglecting you all.  I keep saying I have no time, and its true - so true.... oh my goodness, if i could tell you everything that I was involved in - but you'll have to ask me in person.  or in email.  cuz here is not the place!!

But I thought how could i send out a big long email - and then say i have no time to send you a bloggie?? hehehe

so here i am... back to spend a little time with you!

I had planned on doing my 15 miles at the bay this past Monday.  but alas - we had to leave before i could complete it.  so i did 8.  and the hysterical thing is i felt disappointed that i only did 8. LOL  My mom walked part of the way with me and of course my ever-present Sydnerella did the full 8 and was begging to do the next 7! (i said no! lol  she's only 8!!)  hehehe  that girl :)  

How am i a walker now?? i was bummed that i only got to do 8, but i am planning the next time better, and will be back to tackle the 15!  plus then we'll stay for the Sea World fireworks, and I will pretend they are for me! hehehe

back to being a walker... isn't it strange how you can learn to appreciate things?  My Mikey is pretty stubborn.  I don't know where he gets it from *ahem*, but so many times he won't want to do something or try something because he thinks he won't like it - or because he prefers something else.  He gets his heart set on what he wants and he just won't trust that I have something better for him.  If it was up to him (and believe me - it's not lol) he would have pancakes for breakfast everyday, macaroni and cheese for lunch every other day, and pizza for dinner every night.  He doesn't mind the repetition.  He likes it - he actually is comforted by the dull predictability of life. But then... we stretch him!  hehehe  and most of the time, he learns to appreciate new things. 

I guess I can relate.  There are days when I don't want to be stretched.  I know its good for me, but I just don't want it.  I was like that about walking.  I think its why God put it on my heart to do it for well worth the walk.  He knew I needed to be put on the stretcher!  LOL  I knew it would be a challenge for me - physically, mentally, emotionally, even spiritually!

Halfway through...physically - I feel amazing,
mentally - so clear!
emotionally - in a mood?  try walking it out - wow, its better than medicine!
and spiritually - the Lord has met me on those walks so many times!!! I feel like I'm getting to know Him so much more, and its permeating every aspect of my life.

and now?  now I actually have those days where I'm longing to be stretched.  I'm enjoying the challenge.  I'm loving the fruits.  i'm a walker! hehehe

dont' get me wrong... i STILL don't want to go back to that mountain, Cory!!!  i said stretched - not pummelled!!! hahaha

but i AM a walker :)

love you, Leah :)


  1. I am so happy 4 u mommy! Hopfully this year we can send out 5 wells!

  2. Hi Sydnerella!!! 5 wells! that would be amazing!!! but whatever He sends - I will be so happy! I love you little girl :)

  3. "The 543 Rap" (feel free to add)

    Ya know ya gotta be
    At Party 543
    Ya walk with Joyful le
    Fo the Water
    Don't ya see

  4. hahahaha i love the 543 rap! you know i have to try to add to that! LOL

    hmmmm i feel a contest for the party coming on! hehehehe

  5. You really make me want to be there with you! Love your heart, girl!!!
