Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Halfway there...

The dinner with K.P Yohannan was so awesome!  I got a picture with him and had him sign his new book - so cool!  I admit - I was a little star-struck!! hahaha My sister kept laughing at me :)

He was so genuine!  After the dinner, I went to go get the picture and book, and when he turned to me, I didn't feel like I was bothering him at all.  It seemed like he sincerely wanted to hear what I had to say and would have talked with me for as long as I wanted.

and i can talk....

LOL  but - there were a lot of people there, and I didn't want them to feel like I was monopolizing him.. which I surely would have done!  so - i quickly got my picture, got his autograph ( LOL)  and moved on out...

oh well, maybe next time! :)  the book that he just finished is called No Longer A Slumdog.  I greedily want to keep it since I had it signed by him - but I know better!!!  so whoever would like it when I'm finished... its yours, as long as you pass it on to the next person :)

I was feeling a little bit "down" the night of the dinner.  Before I went, I was hmmm a little bit worn out from lots of running around the past few days - plus thinking about the prep for the 543 party the next day, and I had really just lost sight of what was important, and I gave into self-pity and doubt.

God used K.P. to remind me, once again, what it's really all about.  It's funny that I'm halfway through this journey, and I've gotten sidetracked along the way.  I would think that I would be more focused as time went on - but nope, I've gotten distracted.  The party was great - but it's not about the party - it's not about feeling supported -it's about spreading the Gospel for Christ - and K.P. reminded... we have the privilege of doing that.  Amen!

Once again, I'm seeing that God is ever so patient with me.

It was a great reminder, and it came at just the right time.  Halfway through, and I feel refreshed, and ready to keep on walkin :)

i do want to write about the party and show pictures, and tell you about the hike of death my kids took me on today.... but i'll do that tomorrow  (i know! i know!  2 bloggies in one week?  i'll spoil you. lol  don't get used to it.  but look for pics tomorrow :)

Brother K.P. - thanks for being God's instrument in the lives of millions of people!

love you all!

Monday, June 20, 2011

To stretch or not to stretch...

That is the question...

I mean, it's only walking!  Why would I need to stretch????  Right?

So my dad came up last week...(Last week,,, yes i know!  i'm sorry!!!!  it was our last week of school... i had so much to do - and i FINISHED one major project!!!! woo hoooo... so of course, i fell behind in my bloggies.)

But I digress.... so he came up last week, and we all walked up Boucher (pronounced Booker) - Papa, Sydney, Micah, and me me me.

I know why they call it Boucher now.  cuz when you walk it - you have to be bookin' up that thing! hehehee
wow, it was great!  it felt sooooo great!!! i mean, i don't like workouts to hurt - but this just felt like I was pushing my body to a limit, you know?  a good kind of pain!

(Laurel - like your trek up that mountain on Friday! hehehe)

Here is what it was like at the top - looking across a sea of clouds.  Is this the coolest picture or what?

I felt great!  and then, i came home - took off my shoes... and owwwwwww!  I've been limping for a week, but its gotten better and better each day.  It feels like there is just a huge rock in my heel.  Every time I step down on my right foot, the pressure is unbelievable!  I mean - for crying out loud... i was only WALKING!!!

I've been stretching it out - but its such a weird place to stretch!  It's not like a muscle, its like...  so weird!  I basically have to stretch out my Achilles to get to it, and then turn my foot in the most awkward position to really stretch it.  Weird right????  SO weird!

but I now know the answer to the eternal question: To stretch or not to stretch?

You wanna know?

Well, don't stretch, and you'll find out how important stretching is.   (I can hear my father's voice now. Yes, Dad, I know... if there is one thing you always taught me - it was to stretch.  Kids - listen to your parents.)

So, I'm kinda half-humiliated to admit that I got a walking injury! hahahahaa  i mean - really?  injured by walking?

That's like saying - Ooh boy!  all this breathing sure is hurting my lungs!   or...  Wow, my heart is really tired pumping all this blood through my body, day after day.    geez!  LOL

But then Paul gave me a little encouragement.  I was kinda mocking myself for getting a walking injury, and asking if he thought it was possible, and he said - with the amount of walking you do - i'd say it was totally possible.

yeah!!!!  i DO get a lot of walking in, huh!  Thanks Pablo.  way to turn it around for me! hehehehe

so now i'm not half-humiliated anymore.

i'm just a quarter-humiliated... tee hee!

anyway - pride comes before a walking injury.  Another good lesson.  take the 10 minutes to stretch, and you won't have to hobble around like a fool for a week.  I've taken the week off from walking to let it heal.  It's much better this morning (its usually the worst in the morning) so Sis and I will go for a little walk on Palomar today.  I'm going to try to catch up so the 543 party will actually be hitting mile 543 - but I don't want to overdo it.  Its just a symbol anyway!

This time I did NOT send out written invitations.  My mom told me last time - Leah.... you're trying to RAISE money!  Make it as inexpensive as you can, and give more to the well!   See kids?  Listen to your parents.   They know stuff.  lots of it!

so - 543 is this weekend!!!! woo hoooo  It will be this Sunday, after church, at Kit Carson park.  I am a little bit stressed about not finding a good spot.  I didn't want to skip church to find a spot!!!  So we're just going to head down right after church and pray that the Lord gives us the perfect spot for our party!  Will you pray too?  Thanks!  :)  When we get there and find a good spot, i will send out a massive text telling everyone where you can find us!

There are no tables down there - (i mean, i think there are a few picnic tables - but not like our last party) so bring blankets and chairs!  There's no sit down food this time either, it will be an ice cream social - so I don't think the tables are necessary....  blankets and chairs will be super fun!  Like a big ol' picnic  :)

Lord willing, we WILL be walking... but its not mandatory, of course!  We will walk first, so if you want to show up a little later after the walk - it will probably take us an hour or so?  There are kids that walk - so there's no need to push it hard!  just a nice little walk around Kit Carson - its so pretty!

there are NO hills to climb - so strollers work just fine there!

I will bring the ice cream - and you all bring the toppings!  Bring your favorite one.

I have an idea - but i don't know if it will work.   If everyone wants to comment on here what toppings they are bringing, then we won't have 100 chocolate sauces, and 2 sprinkles! hahaha  That way - everyone can just know what's already taken care of - does that sound good?

so just click on the blue comment link below and add your comment to say what topping you'll bring.

See you this Sunday!  (probably around 1:30? sound good?)

love you all!  me  :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Best day ever :)

yesterday was the best day!

it was the culmination of sooooo many answers to prayer!

i had been (in another project) coming up against so many brick walls - and then on Friday - boom!  showers of blessings!
everyone returned my calls- all in one day - things I had been searching for - for MONTHS! - the Lord finally led me straight to them!  and the fun thing is - he used such an unexpected messenger! hehehehe  ahhhh, my new brilliant friend Michael (from Texas, California, Europe???) will always have a special place in my heart hehehehe  (sorry - inside joke to my sister, hubby, and son)

so Saturday I just woke up in a beautiful wonderful stress free mood! 

I took Joey to the SAT's  (and he thinks he did well - i'm sure he did!!)  and with the time that I had waiting, I decided to work on a different project.  wow - i got sooooooooooo much done!  The Lord tied up all my loose ends with a gorgeous bow on top!  I sat back and was so unbelievably thrilled with how that 2nd project turned out.

When Joey mistakenly gave me the wrong time to pick him up, Joe suggested I walk the track at EHS.  It was the middle of the day - and so hot in the car, and i was like ehhhhh.

but I did it anyway - and i was so blessed!!  the weather in the car was ugh.  the weather outside of the car was perfect!  I started walking around the track and was surrounded by warriors! :)  don't you just love being surrounded by people of the same mind, the same passion, the same heart?!?!  people running, training, sprinting, football players throwing those tires around - you know, the huge tractor tires??  So with me racing around the track at my breakneck speed of 3.5 miles per hour (tee hee) I felt like I was training among true athletes. 

no - not among them... one of them!!  lol

its funny what your environment can do, right?  I was convinced that they were equally impressed with my feat of athleticism!  you know.... walking.


anyway!  then i came home and my sissy was there!  we got to spend time together talking, walking (yep just a bit more walking!), always laughing - and then she surprised us with a sweet gift!  Joe had changed her brakes, so she sent us out on a date!  We got to go out to eat, and then went to a movie.

Now - i have no idea what's in the theatres right now.  (I only know about two specific movies that are coming up and in the next few months, and Paula.... i can. not. wait. hehehehe)

but when you decide to go to a movie and you dont' know whats in - its pretty much a crapshoot.  Can i say crapshoot???  LOL that has to do with a game of chance, right?? not literally shooting.. forget it.

back to what i was saying!  so you gotta just kinda look at fandango's reviews and pick one.  we've done this before and been sorry - oh so sorry that we wasted the money, and frankly, been super sorry that we had lost 2 hours of our lives that we were never getting back!

but i wanted to go - and time was a-wastin... and i suggest a movie, and Joe says yep - sounds perfect, (which really means it was the perfect time cuz he wasn't paying attention to the reviews i was reading - only what times i was quoting... Joe, dont' even try, i know you too well)  i believe his exact words were "yeah, that one at 7:45 sounded great." 

"which one?"

"the one at 7:45"

hehehe at least he makes me laugh.

long story short (too late) - it was THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!!  maybe it was just a great end to a perfect day,  maybe it was cuz the tickets were $4.50 each (Temeku Cinemas - please don't ever go out of business), but i really loved that movie!

it was exactly the kind of movie i love!!!  twists, turns, puzzles, action, twoo wuv (hehe slightly obscure reference to my favorite movie of all time - anyone?  anyone?) and a great ending!!!  of course i figured it all out halfway through the movie, but i enjoy that!!!  cuz then when it all goes according to the plan in my head, i think... oh what a wonderful writer.. to give me just what i wanted!  lol

then we stop at the mailbox on the way home, and i have an invitation to meet K.P. Yochanan at a dinner in June - how cool is that????   (he is the founder for Gospel for Asia - the one that wrote Revolution in World Missions - the book that God used to point me on this path of well worth the walk :) 

and now.... now i wake up, and it hasn't ended.  looks like it wasn't just a perfect day!  it was part of an incredibly blessed weekend!  because i'm up - and i'm loved, and i'm writing to you, and i'm about to start getting ready for church!

i love my church.  i'm sure you all love yours, too - but i'm sorry to tell you, I have the best one.  :)

been worshipping, but can't wait to continue worshipping among my fellow saints!  don't you just love being surrounded by people of the same mind, the same passion, the same heart....

it's funny what your environment can do, but isn't it wonderful what the Spirit will do?

love you all,
Leah :)

pics today!!!

Gladiators go to arenas.  Warriors go to the track - and today my friends, I was a warrior.  lol

Eye of the Ti... Cougar?  sing it out, Rocky fans.  You know you'll have that song in your head for the rest of the day now.  You're welcome :)

Say it with me.  which party?
Party 543, baby.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight,
 and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
  looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him
endured the cross,  despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

500 at 543?

Yep - 500 is fast approaching!

however... many many things are happening in the month of June.

so how about a 543 party :) 

i like the sound of that!!! its so ultra-hip! hehe 

let's be really chic.  Party 543.  It sounds like a fantastic new hotspot.  LOL

so - come celebrate the halfway point with me!!  ok - a little over half, but really - just like Jami said on Sunday - we just want a reason to celebrate! it doesn't have to be exactly 500!  i like that girl.  :)

I have been doing a LOT of walking at Kit Carson - and i liiiiiiiike that park!  its perfect for our party.
you know...Party 543.  (sounds so cool- had to say it again)
there is plenty of parking, we can walk and party at the same place!  and its beautiful!  so i'm thinking June 25 or June 26.  It depends on my hubby - cuz he MUST be able to attend.  he's my favorite :)

This time it will be an ice cream social.  so i will bring the ice cream, bowls, and spoons!  Everyone can bring their favorite topping, and we will have fun sharing!  :)  I will have new games to play too - hehehe so make sure to keep an eye on Justin K. and my mom.  They are fun to watch! LOL

I'm in a talkative, silly mood today.  Blame it on Susie V.  She got me sidetracked off my schedule today!  I wrote her a long email and had so much fun :)  (Hi Susie!!!)

So I was feeling guilty about neglecting you all.  I keep saying I have no time, and its true - so true.... oh my goodness, if i could tell you everything that I was involved in - but you'll have to ask me in person.  or in email.  cuz here is not the place!!

But I thought how could i send out a big long email - and then say i have no time to send you a bloggie?? hehehe

so here i am... back to spend a little time with you!

I had planned on doing my 15 miles at the bay this past Monday.  but alas - we had to leave before i could complete it.  so i did 8.  and the hysterical thing is i felt disappointed that i only did 8. LOL  My mom walked part of the way with me and of course my ever-present Sydnerella did the full 8 and was begging to do the next 7! (i said no! lol  she's only 8!!)  hehehe  that girl :)  

How am i a walker now?? i was bummed that i only got to do 8, but i am planning the next time better, and will be back to tackle the 15!  plus then we'll stay for the Sea World fireworks, and I will pretend they are for me! hehehe

back to being a walker... isn't it strange how you can learn to appreciate things?  My Mikey is pretty stubborn.  I don't know where he gets it from *ahem*, but so many times he won't want to do something or try something because he thinks he won't like it - or because he prefers something else.  He gets his heart set on what he wants and he just won't trust that I have something better for him.  If it was up to him (and believe me - it's not lol) he would have pancakes for breakfast everyday, macaroni and cheese for lunch every other day, and pizza for dinner every night.  He doesn't mind the repetition.  He likes it - he actually is comforted by the dull predictability of life. But then... we stretch him!  hehehe  and most of the time, he learns to appreciate new things. 

I guess I can relate.  There are days when I don't want to be stretched.  I know its good for me, but I just don't want it.  I was like that about walking.  I think its why God put it on my heart to do it for well worth the walk.  He knew I needed to be put on the stretcher!  LOL  I knew it would be a challenge for me - physically, mentally, emotionally, even spiritually!

Halfway through...physically - I feel amazing,
mentally - so clear!
emotionally - in a mood?  try walking it out - wow, its better than medicine!
and spiritually - the Lord has met me on those walks so many times!!! I feel like I'm getting to know Him so much more, and its permeating every aspect of my life.

and now?  now I actually have those days where I'm longing to be stretched.  I'm enjoying the challenge.  I'm loving the fruits.  i'm a walker! hehehe

dont' get me wrong... i STILL don't want to go back to that mountain, Cory!!!  i said stretched - not pummelled!!! hahaha

but i AM a walker :)

love you, Leah :)