Thursday, December 1, 2011

So.... did we do it?

I hope you're all wondering!  Cuz I sure was :)

Last night as soon as I got home, that was the first thing on Joe's lips - Did we do it??

I said - I don't know yet - let me check!

Happy dance :)  We surpassed our goal!  Christmas is right around the corner - money is tight- but you have all been INCREDIBLY generous.

I will send the money for the well out today!  What a beautiful Christmas present for our family in India!  I wanted to send one - God blessed us with two - and after sending the money for #2, the additional money left over will be combined with other gifts from even more family around the world to be a part of well #3!!

I'm kinda freaking out a little bit here! hehehe

so now that its finished - i'll tell you exactly just how much we raised :)

(Oh - and for those of you just tuning in... hehe  we raised a total of 2,177.65 - but the first well was sent out earlier in the year.)

Thank you LORD :)

I just got a letter in the mail, about two days ago - from Gospel for Asia, and guess what it was about!  Jesus wells.  I can't wait to send him a reply back with our response! hehehe

Remember that verse I shared a while back - talking about Isaac and Rebekkah?  Remember that as his servant finished praying, the answer to prayer was already on the way.

Our well was already on its way as Brother K.P. was writing that letter of appeal!  Happy dance!!

I pray your Christmas this year is filled with Christ.  I hope that this is one of the more memorable Christmas gifts you give!  Actually - no - I hope that this is just the beginning of many more memorable Christmas gifts that you are blessed to give!

Joy... peace... love... my cup is full, and it's running over :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tomorrow is December 1st :)

Hi there friends :)

There is only one day left for any donations.  Tomorrow, whatever we have will go to India!  And you have no idea how excited I am about that :)

As for my final "official" walk - Sunday was beautiful.  It was simple.  It was gorgeous outside.  It was just what I needed.

Joe and I walked the three miles while the "twinsies" played at the playground. (Our Joey watched them while we walked)

I had considered having them all come walk with us at least one of the laps - but they looked so happy playing at the new playground - it just felt right to let them enjoy the swings :)

My sister and Matt did a celebratory lap with us (she was even in her church clothes! hehe)  and Paul and Jami said yes to joining us- but their two littles (Jed and Simeon) said no! hehehe  That's ok!  When their littlest little was just born - he braved the chilly, rainy weather to come to the first 250 party!  I am smiling thinking back to that day - that was a good day :)

Today I will do a final "unofficial" walk with Adrienne and her littlest little, Micah.  I say unofficial - because technically I have reached my 1000 miles.  This is just the few miles added on before December 1st - the official end of my sweet journey.

In some ways -it's over.  But in other ways - it's really just beginning.

After our walk on Sunday - we went to Christy's house to celebrate Orphan Sunday.  (what a GREAT time that was!)  At one point in our day - someone was talking about how we are exposing our children to such a wonderful thing by opening up our hearts and lives to adoption.  He reminded us that "what parents do in moderation, children do in excess".  What a great thought!  We adopt one - maybe two... what will they do?  Wow!

Having come freshly off of our walk - Gospel for Asia was on my mind, and I immediately related the two concepts and confirmed in my mind how true the proverb was!

A few months into my 1000 miles - Micah and Sydney were just loving what was going on!  They loved the excitement of raising money for a well.  Micah used to talk about "what if we found 10,000 dollars - think how many toys, vacations, new cars we could buy! "   ( -ahhhh to be a child and not realize how far a dollar will go. hahahaha)

but - after the well walk started - he started saying - "what if we found 10,000 - think of how many Jesus wells we could buy!"

love that boy.

soon that wasn't enough - and both he and Sydney decided they were going to do their own little journey.  I encouraged them - but honestly, I was thinking...  sure they're excited now - but this will probably pass.

It didn't.  So they asked me what they could raise money for.  I said - go open the catalog and see what really interests you!

Parents, if you do this - be prepared. LOL   Apparently, I should have given them a little more direction?  hehehe

Micah chose a $11,000 church and Sydney chose a $1800 generator for the church.


Before I brought them my dose of reality - the LORD kept me quiet.  He just spoke to my heart very clearly and told me to encourage them, smile, and sit back and watch Him work.

so... with clenched teeth - i said greeeeeeeeeeeeat!  Let's do it!

We didn't think that walking would be a good platform for their mission, but we didn't really have any idea what we could do.  I told them - well, we're not in any rush.  Let's wait for the LORD to tell us what to do.  In the next few months, He made it clear what we should do.  Memorize Romans.  yep- all of it.  :)

Don't worry... I'm not "hitting my friends up" for $12,800.  I'm pretty much letting the LORD handle the publicity on that one! hahahaha  I think I might need a slightly bigger circle of friends ;)  or just one really rich friend hehehehe.

Allllllll that to say...  (winking at you Joe)

Here is the point.  He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.  (shedding a tear or two right now)  Isn't He just so good?

Let me say it again.

Isn't He - just - SO - GOOD!

He doesn't just complete it with you - He takes it onto the next generation and then the next!  He is faithful to me through my children and children's children.  He loves us so much that He did this journey - for me, for you, for our family in Asia.  This was for Him, by Him and through Him.

Thank you thank you thank you for your love.  for your support. for your attention.  for you!

If I could express one thing to you that I learned along the way - take this with you.  (and i'm borrowing this from you Christy!)

Live to give His love away.

I never like saying Goodbye.  It just sounds so final, doesn't it?  But the other day, I read where the word "goodbye" comes from.  It means "God be with ye."   Neat, right?

so..... i love you all.  
God be with you

Joy- FULL Le :)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

I've got this friend

(the title of this blog just started me singing one of my favorite new songs... hehehe)

anyway - i DO have this friend...

I love her dearly - we try to get together  - and something happens at the last minute that cancels our plans!  so frustrating!  But we forgive each other's schedules and make plans for new plans!

Well- we FINALLY got together.  We had such a great time - i mean - it was just perfect!  well worth the wait! We laughed, we cried, we had this amazing heart to heart conversation, we just had the best time!  it was one of those times when you just sit back and go... wow - that was so special!!!  so right as we were just sitting there smiling at each other and getting ready to talk a little more - everything started to go fuzzy, and fade a little. so strange...

and i woke up.

Can you believe that!!! hahaha it was all a dream. I seriously was confused when I woke up - it was just SO REAL!

The mind is a strange thing - isn't it?  I got sick this past week.  Really really sick.  I felt awful.  There were times in the beginning when I would just lay there in pain and try to calm myself and I'd start to feel better.  I couldn't move.  I couldn't think about anything.  I could only lay there still, motionless, and thoughtless -  then a stray thought would get into my mind and start turning. The thoughts would become sensations - smells - it would seem so real!  How could I simply think about a certain food and imagine the aromas, taste, and texture so effectively?!  It would be a matter of seconds before it would trigger a reaction.  Afterwards, I could only think about how a thought could grow into something with real power behind it.

Thoughts can be so powerful, can't they?

It got me thinking about prayer.  It's so much more than thoughts.  I know - there are people who believe that positive thinking and wishful thinking is just as beneficial as prayer.  Do you know there have been studies done?  Psychological studies done where they try to evaluate the power of positive thinking and prayer.  I know that no one will ever "prove" the power of prayer - because there will always be someone there to disprove it or to rationalize or reason away all of its efficacy.  But that's ok - because that's where our faith comes in.  And we know without faith, its impossible to please God.  We don't have to be caught up in the "proof"  because faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see.

It makes me sad that there are people that will never understand the beauty of prayer.  The privilege of prayer.  The power of prayer.

I had a sweet answer to prayer recently.  My treadmill was dying.  Dying dying dying again.  (I guess that's what happens when you walk, walk, and walk on it. hehehe)  I needed one - and I didn't want to tell anyone but the Lord.  So - I didn't.  I just walked on, and let my request be known to my Father.  I know he knows my needs and He knows my desires, and He knows the difference! hehehe  I wasn't so sure if I "needed" a new treadmill.  After all - there is an awful lot of ground out there.  :)

Long story short, about a month ago - a friend came up to me and said - Leah!  I have been meaning to ask you this for a while!  We are getting rid of our treadmill, and everytime my husband says he is about to toss it, I tell him - No!  I'm saving it for Leah!  But i  never asked you - did you need it?

I just laughed...  She said she didn't know why it was on her heart, but she just had to keep saving it for me.

Now, I know.  the doubters out there will say... oh come on.  You're walking a lot.  You blog about it - of course it wasn't your prayer.  It was just common sense that she thought of you.

Well. Believe what you will.  I know.  I am certain.  I am sure that my Daddy answered my prayer.  And yes - its ok if I call him Daddy.  He likes it, you know :)

And He gives very good gifts.  This treadmill is like - straight out of a gym.  It's GORGEOUS.

So want to know how I broke it in?  I wanted to do a little challenge for myself.  So I did a half marathon on it!  hehehehe.  I had to keep restarting it when it would hit the 100 minute mark, but it kept a running total of my miles.  It felt great.  Thank you so much for my treadmill, Lord - and thank you so much for your love and friendship, friends.  I would totally say who they were - and probably a few of you already know - but I don't know if they want to be mentioned.  so..... thank you thank you thank you.  I love my treadmill :)

This bloggie is all over the place.  I know.  I have a strange mind.  Now you know why sometimes I just don't write.  There is just too much going on in here and no way to sift through it - so I just let the random thoughts run away wildly... hehehe

Today, I decided I had better write because I only have a week left!  Can you believe it?  I can't. It feels like I've just started!  But then I look back to last year - and it feels sooooo long ago.  I remember walking in the early morning in the dark!  I remember those pictures!  I remember that horrible mountain Cory took  me on! hahahahaha  Feels like forever-ago :)  You're probably all thinking - wow - what a great way to end - why don't you go back to that mountain and prove how far you've come!  Go back to that mountain and finish it and say - wow - this seemed so hard before.

Forget it!!!! YOU go to that mountain!  I NEVER want to go back there! hahahahaha

Oh!  and before I forget - there's no party this time.  I know!  I said we'd forego the 750 party and have the 1000 mile party instead.  but I just thought - it seems so silly to spend money on a party when I can just sent it to the well.  Right???  But I WILL have a final walk if anyone wants to join me.

I've been doing about half of my walks down at the new park for our church.  If you haven't been there yet - just go.  You will love it.  It is so peaceful and so beautiful, and for all of my church family - it just has so much more meaning than a park - again - its just a sweet and long-awaited answer to prayer.  When I walk there, I just feel so loved by Him.  and especially close to Him.   Its lovely :)

So I was thinking.... I'm already going to have passed my actual 1000 mile marker by December 1 - my "official end".  But if you want to join me for a symbolic 1000 mile - I'll be walking this Sunday after church at our park on Cole Grade.  I'm going to do three miles there (that's 3 laps) but you can join in at any point and taper off at any point if you like.  That's the nice thing about laps :)  We will probably bring a picnic lunch to eat afterwards - so you are more than welcome to join any part of our plans if it suits you.

One last thing - I've been asked by a handful of you how much left I have to send this second well.   I was considering telling everyone how much more we needed, but I decided against it.  I just feel like - sometimes we feel the need to send a certain amount because we're pressured into it.  Don't get me wrong - sometimes pressure isn't a bad thing!  But I just feel very comfortable and peaceful having the Lord know what we need and leaving it at that.  It's something I learned from George Mueller :)

Whatever we send will be a blessing!

I love you all :)

Friday, October 21, 2011

clothes need to be altered... spirits need to be altar-ed

[ i wrote this a few days ago]

Where to begin?

No - I haven't quit. I still have 6 weeks to go!  I have missed many days these past 6 weeks, but today my spirit has been renewed in a very special way.

It's actually been happening for the past few days - but today - some things really clicked.  I've been doing a Bible study, reading a devotional book, crying...ugh, encouraged by fellow pilgrims, and doing a lot of looking in the mirror.  The Lord has been using all those things to shift, sway, shave, and finally - gently tug me to my knees.  Don't you love that He doesn't shove us down in anger?  

The past month or so has been such a violent rollercoaster ride - with super high high's and super low low's - and a million things stuck into every crevice of my life - so that its really brought me to my knees.  But here's the thing - when "life" knocks you to your knees physically - it really doesn't do much except drive you to despair.  It's just a pity party.  But when Christ brings you to your knees - wow, what a difference!  

When He does it, there is love, there is hope, there is comfort, there is peace and clarity.  

Don't get me wrong - I love that my life is filled with the busy.  I thrive when there is energy!  I love when I'm being used!  But when that's all there is - and I'm not beginning my day centered on Him, asking Him for His blessing of my schedule, and asking Him for wisdom in where to put my focus - it falls apart quickly.

I'm pretty good under pressure - so quickly can mean... a month! hahaha.   Because I'm a fighter, I hate admitting defeat!  So during that month - I'm fighting to "stay ahead of the game" on my own.  Been here before - you'd think I would have learned by now. :)

Thankfully, the Lord doesn't give up on me.  Mercifully, He is patient and proves time and time again - He didn't make a mistake by choosing me.  He knew exactly when and where I'd fail, and before I even begin to travel down that dark road again - He already has the Rescue in mind and planned out.

So that when I call out - the answer has already been on its way, waving its hand out to me, waiting for me to recognize it.  I just love that about You, Lord!

so no. i haven't quit.

as a matter of fact - i considered stopping, and while I was on my walk, the Lord showed me a sign.

come on... laugh - that's FUNNY!!!

Sooooo. I have 6 weeks to go.  I WILL make my 1000 miles. that definitely means more than 3 miles a day with all my missed days this past month, but that's ok.  I don't mind :)  I've been walking in the morning and at night!

I dont' know if we will have enough money to complete another well, or not, but I know that whatever we've raised will be used by God to go TOWARDS a well.  And that's cool :)  

So - sorry I've been so quiet for a while.  I'm still here - but I kept forgetting where I misplaced my joy.
and that's not easy to blog about.... LOL  Well I should say - its not easy to blog honestly about.  

Pray that I can end this journey changed.  I look back to the spirit and heart I had initially when I started this, and I already know I'm so different.  God has definitely used this to continue molding me.  Some has been so much fun, but some has just been downright painful. 

But no matter what I think, no matter how I doubt or question, I have a sweet and special "Thank You" card sitting on my front room table, with a picture of a woman in front of the Jesus well, reminding me that God cares for His people.  And, just think - we got to be used on the other side of the world to help show that love and care.

6 weeks left. pray for me.  pray for them.  I love you guys.

Nehemiah 8:10

Joy renewed,  :)  (surprise surprise, i thought i lost it - and it was with Him the whole time!)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

been meaning to share this!

Today is my first guest blog!

I loved this when it was shared with me, and I asked permission to share it with you.

I actually asked months ago - and he gave me immediate permission!  but i guess the time wasn't then.  its now

so i hope you enjoy this as much as I did!


Jesus Loves You, but...

Copyright (c) 2010 by Dann McCreary

It's not often that I sit down to write a devotional.. but here I go! I'm in New Hampshire for a few
weeks, working (thanks to my "portable office") and babysitting my brother's dog Koober.

During a work break, I thought I'd head to the Chocorua General Store on Route 16 to see if the
owner might be there. Maryanne and my wife Pam shared a hospital room in North Conway, where
our second son Christopher was born shortly after Maryanne's Kimberly. Sure enough, Maryanne
was there but she was helping some customers and didn't notice me come in. I proceeded to look
around the store, browsing while waiting for Maryanne to finish with the others.

I found a small oval ceramic plaque – blue lettering on an off-white background with a curly flower
motif below the lettering – that read as follows:

Jesus Loves You
but I'm His favorite.

Now, Pam will tell you that this is completely uncharacteristic of me; I immediately took the plaque
down off the wall and up to the front register where Maryanne was almost finished with her
customers, and after reminding her who I was (yes, I have greyed out considerably.. yes, the beard
is substantially longer,) I bought the plaque on the spot. After exchanging a few pleasantries, I left
and went back to work.

Strangely enough, I virtually NEVER make an impulse buy like that, especially not something cute
or decorative. Whatever could have possessed me to buy a knick-knack like that plaque?

During the last few years, I have simply felt so intensly loved by our Lord Jesus that I've found
myself being almost apologetic to my fellow believers, occasionally finding myself making
comments like "I don't understand why the LORD loves me more than you, but it's just obvious to
me that He does." I have watched in wonder as the LORD has so kindly and graciously resolved
issues that I had despaired of ever seing an answer to.

In reflecting on this, I recalled the Apostle John. When I was younger, I always wondered why it
was that, in the Gospel of John which he wrote, John never referred to himself by name. Rather than
saying "John" or "me," John spoke of himself as "the disciple whom Jesus loved." (See, for
example, John 19:5, 20:2, 21:7, and 21:20)

I am finally coming to this conclusion: the better we get to know the Lord Jesus, the more we will
all come to think of ourselves as "the disciple whom Jesus loved." I no longer wonder why John felt
that way. It was obvious to John that Jesus loved him more than all the rest! It is just as obvious to
me that John was wrong, because Jesus couldn't possibly love anyone more than He does me!

Sometimes Jesus' love is tough. Sometimes it's as gentle as a summer shower. How about you? Are
you "the disciple whom Jesus loves?" Wouldn't you like to be? Just get to know Him better, and
you'll soon find out that I'm wrong, that it's you He loves the most!


Of course Dann is wrong, He does love me the most :)

Le :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

a time to be born

and a time to celebrate that birth :)

i thought that i had gotten on here on my birthday!!! but i'm looking back over my blog and laughing that i did 3 posts thispast week and realizing that i only did one for the whole month of July!

wow, lazy bum!

so i guess now i'm making up for it!  hehehe

I not only celebrated another year of life for myself in July - but also another year for my hubby and another year for my baby boy Joey.  who is my big boy really.
our firstborn!  only one more year until he is eighteen!!!

i can remember his first steps like it was yesterday.  so crystal clear in my mind.  his little legs walking down the hallway in our vacation condo in Ocean City, Maryland.

wow.  time is a crazy thing.

on my birthday, as i was driving him to school, we passed by Margi and her kids on the road.  we hit a red light, she asked what we were up to, i shouted with a massive smile and upraised arms "Its my birthday!!!"  in the goofy way that only I can.

she said "come over!!!"

we did - and i had the best impromptu birthday time in the world!!!  i love you Margi :)

we walked (of course), we talked (of course), we had lunch and then we were on our way.

**before i go any further.  Margi walks with an insane pace.  unreal.  my shins were BURNINGGGGGG. LOL  ok back to the bloggie.**

5 years ago she and Michelle surprised me at my house for my bday - and now 5 years later she did the same again! hehehe  this is becoming a fun tradition.  i suggested that for the next bday 5 years away, she might want to celebrate it with me by surprising me with a trip to Fiji.

just a suggestion LOL

and then around my bday... I got an amazing donation to the well.

like the kind that makes your eyeballs pop when you do the double take.   it wasn't FOR my bday, but it sure did make that bday week something special.  I couldn't have asked for a better bday gift :)

I think this second well is definitely going to be sent this year - and I'm so excited for it!

I thank the Lord for all of your generosity.  You have made a huge difference in the lives of one entire community already and we are "well" on our way to doing the same for another community.

do you love it???  i do and i love you too
Le :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

a new ache? COME. ON!!!!!!!!!!!

why did i think that i would be getting FEWER aches and pains as I continued jog/walking.

by the way... i hate saying jog/walking.  isn't there a word for that?  i need to create one.


yeah - i'll keep thinking about that one.  that sounds stupid.

how about wog?  "I'm going for a wog."  "How was your wog today?"  "Anybody wanna go for a wog with me?"

hahahaha i like it.  wogging for a well.  it still works :)

back to my train of thought... so i finally kinda found a way to decrease the pain from my heel.  it hasn't gone away completely - its more like.. at bay.

which is cool - cuz it keeps me faithful in my stretching.  when i don't stretch, i am painfully reminded of how necessary it is.

but now the OUSTIDE of my foot is hurting!?!?!  (i know. i know.  i'm running on the outside portion of foot.  I got it.)

but apparently walking on the outside of my foot didn't really aggravate anything.  stepping it up to jogging, with all of its jarring motion, has made me now aware that I even have an outside portion of my foot. LOL

isn't that funny?  you forget about certain muscles - until you overwork them.  You don't even realize you need certain body parts until they're out of commission!  you take your body for granted until its compromised.

speaking of which... saw Soul Surfer this week.  amazing movie.  nah... amazing girl.  the movie was cool - but her testimony spoke volumes.  craziest thing that I took away from the movie was - months before the shark attack - she and her mother had been praying that the Lord would use her in a mighty way.


in case you haven't heard - this is the story of the surfer who lost her arm in a shark attack and came back to surfing with a vengeance!  amazing girl!!!!  in the movie, you assume she's 17 or something - but in the documentary - you realize she was 13 at the time of the attack.  when the shark took her arm, she didn't even scream.  its so much more than a movie about a shark attack.  i recommend it.

but this week as i get up from my chair, and it takes literally 10 seconds for my hips to feel normal... ( i swear i look crippled for the first few seconds!!)  i am just thinking...  in 10 seconds i will be able to move normally again.  what about people who will never be "normal" again?

Thank God for healthy bodies.

I know I've said that before - but I'll keep saying it.  I thank my God for my healthy body.  The healthy bodies of my children.  The healthy body of my husband.  Look around you.  be thankful for His blessings.

so... i have more aches and pains now that I've stepped up to wogging.  (like how i just threw that in there??)

There will always be new struggles with new experiences.  Just opportunities to gain perspective and appreciate who He is.

love it.  love you.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Right Stuff

so is it a bad sign when you log into your blogger account and it says "Leah who?"

hehehe  just kiddin.  Blogger forgives me for my lack of social network time.  I'm sure you do too....   :)

Before the summer started, I remember asking our home school teacher for a bunch of books to keep us "busy" through the summer.  To which Miss Maria replied - Leah - its the summer - enjoy it!

oh no... we need to keep movin!  we need to read and study! maybe just a little... but at least something!

well i'm here to tell you - its 2 months later and not one school book has been cracked open.  and we are loving it!  Aren't you so glad that God CREATED rest!!!!  I know I am.  Sometimes we get into the mode of work work work.  sometimes for good reasons, sometimes not so much...  Work is a good thing - its ordained by God!  But so is rest :)

I'm not saying that my bloggies are work!  well - sometimes they can be.  but i do enjoy them!  Its just that lately - I've been on my walk/jogs - and I'll have something hit me on mile 0.56, and I'll be like - oh wow - that will be a great blog for today!  then mile 1.4 comes along and i'm like - hmmmm never thought about that one, Lord - that will be a better blog!    Mile 2.3 brings another set of lessons, and I'm thinking wow - as soon as I get back - boy - this will be one great blog!!!!

and then mile 3 is over, and i'm tired, and i get home, kick off my shoes and think - hmmm what did i want to say again???  how did it flow so smoothly in the moment, and then get lost in the space of 3 miles??

that's ok.

so... today's title.  "The Right Stuff".  for those of you around my age and older... remember that movie?  the astronauts?

Yeah... I just read a GREAT book about going to the moon.  (hehehe inside joke to some of you.)  and now i'm uh... *ahem* "onto" the sequel....  so I guess I have the moon on my mind.

But today - the "right stuff" isn't referring to traits that would make you a good astronaut.  I was on my walk with my 1 year old boyfriend, David, this morning - and trying out his brand new jogging stroller.  (i did try to jog but when i would pick up speed, the front tire would start to jiggle... anyone know why?
i was almost convinced that i was just jogging SO fast - that the stroller was pushed to its limit...
mm hmm.  i said ALMOST.)

anyway - jogging didn't work so well - but walking?  oh my goodness.  the ride was so smooth.  if you're not familiar with strollers - the regular ones come with 4 wheels and are pretty  much intended to just carry the baby, carry baby belongings, and just basically buggy everything around somewhat easily.  they can be cumbersome, and walking up the mountain... you can just feel how heavy everything is!!!

but jogging strollers are so streamlined.  they have 3 wheels - they turn much smoother and faster - and the wheels are more substantial. - almost like mountain bike wheels.

i felt like i could just keep on walking!  i could barely feel the extra weight!

(oh - plus - it has speakers.  for real.  so cool!  it has this little container in the front that you plug your iphone into and yes - it has 2 little speakers that amplify your music while you walk.)

now THAT'S the right stuff!

ever try to get through life with the wrong stuff?

i have.  name anything other than Christ - it just wasn't meant to fulfill us.  it just simply wasn't meant to be the stuff that we depend on, we rely on, or we need.  we're not designed for that junk.

The days when I find I'm relying on anything but Him are the days that I find I'm "pushing that heavy stroller up the mountain".

Today was such a sweet moment of clarity.  gliding up and down hills, feeling the distinction, amazed at what a difference having the "right stuff" makes.

I know my analogy kinda breaks down at some point... like all analogies do.

if it were a real example of what Christ does for us - I'd be David.. sitting back in the stroller with Christ pushing me up the mountain.

It's so good.  He's so good.  I wish everyone in the world could experience it.  I pray you do.

love you :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Thanks for your support, but I am no longer walking for the well


well, cuz i'm JOGGING for it now!!!

hehehehe did i get you all again?

oh you're sooooooooooo easy!   :)

I would NEVER want to give up!  How can I?  There are still people in need.

I've been reading K.P.'s new book "No Longer a Slumdog".  wow.  Read it when you get the chance.  its free! you can just request it from his website - for free, people.  no excuses :)  and remember - you can all ask for my copy when i'm done with it... its got his signature in it... woo hooooooo!

It just reminds me of the thirst everywhere.  I have been thinking about it a lot - thinking about the people everywhere who are hurting.  Not just the dalits in India - though that group of people are so desperate for true freedom!!!  But walk down the street, drive in a new section of town, get a hot dog outside of Albertson's and look into the face of a woman who looks like she hasn't eaten for days, but is scrounging for pennies to buy a hotdog for her hungry dog.  (don't worry - we got food for the dog and for her too.  and got a hug in return. :) God is good!)

Sharing love feels amazing, doesn't it?

We GET to be the ones who share.  We GET that privilege.  whew.  its intense when you think about it.

I have to share this with you... i thought it was extra cool.

About a week after the dinner, I got a card in the mail from Gospel for Asia.  I figured it was a little thank you for attending the dinner.  But it was so much more.  My new friend Heather(Hi Heather!!! hehe) from Gospel for Asia had written me a really sweet note.  She had read my blog and was following... IS following!  a few others from GFA are following along too!  that is just cool no matter which way you slice it.  Her card is so precious to me... that's something that i'm keeping for a while :) Then she put in a verse that lifted me :)  Her words were so encouraging, but when she wrote God's Words back to me - they just do what no other words can!!  thank you for your card Heather  :)  You all at GFA are amazing!

My hubby just had his birthday, and I'm about to have mine soon, and it has gotten me really thinking.  Time, life, death - what we do here with this life, you know?  Our time is so limited. We are studying Ecclesiastes in church and that's hammering it home too.  Last week was VBS, and wow - it's those little moments in life - not necessarily the entire seasons, that can make the biggest difference - that can have SUCH meaning!  VBS was just amazing.  No words to describe truly what God did that week.  He is beautiful.

We had our weekly morning prayer at our house today and it was soooo good.  Why is it that at 5:59 am every week, I dread leaving the comfort of my bed, and an hour later at 6:59 - I am clinging on to those precious last few moments of prayer with my fellow prayer warriors.  He is so worthy to be praised.

*i just paused to watch a hummingbird out my back window.   moments...*

So - did I tell you why I'm jogging now?

I hate jogging.  I really do - I am not one of those people that feels the runner's high (or jogger's high??).  Never got that far.  I feel the pain with every step.  My knee is not bad - but it sure isn't good.  My heel spur doesn't hurt like it did - but its not like jogging on clouds either!  LOL  and I just don't like feeling my lungs burn.  i just don't like it!!!!!

who likes pain??

well i read a book - given to me by Michael - (thanks Michael) that talks about pushing your body to the limit.  yeah yeah blah blah blah.  no thank you.

well the book sucked me in and talked about this guy Dean Karnazes who is just absolutely amazing.  Just - i mean - amazing.  The human body should just give out before accomplishments like that can happen.  and i thought - i'm such a WIMPPPPP!

so... i felt challenged.  and encouraged.  and now i can't say i'm a jogger.  but i'm jogging  :)
i can't wait to see where I'm at on December 1st.  i will not be shaming myself anytime soon telling you how little i can jog right now. but it would be cool to see that i could at least jog the whole 3 miles by the end of my well walk :)

oh by the way... yes i do know that i haven't put any pictures up.  i just have the two for you here.  I keep forgetting to ask my dad and sister for the ones they took at the party!  sorry!!!!

well, i've been on a big high these past few days... and of course most of you know why - but of course, you know i won't mention it here.  :)  I'm loving where God has me!  Excited - and yet - waiting...  i love it.  I love surprises! and He just keeps surprising me!!!  I ask for one thing, and He gives me two!  just because He loves me.  Lately, i just feel really..... GOOD  - know what i mean???  But I know that we can always count on suffering to creep into our day... so I'm just trying to find that balance - trying to stay on my toes - trying to be ready for the attack that is always waiting just around the corner... but still enjoying the peace and joy He's giving me - and can KEEP giving me through the suffering too!!!

But I try not to be afraid of suffering.  I'll just remind you that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.  (That's Romans, in case ya didn't know!  hehe)

Keep praying for me please - I've been back on my treadmill alot, and its just not as fun as walking with people.  My sister and I went for a killer walk on Sunday, but it didn't feel super killer because we were keeping each other company, walking and talking!  we had such a great time.  My momma wanted to go in the worst way but she hurt her knee really badly - so we have to wait for her to heal!  :(

ok - this is a long bloggie.  I have to tell you - I will eventually post the picture of K.P. Yohannan with  me, my sis, and Matt... BUT!!! i can't do it yet!  I'll have to do it at the end of my journey - when we take one final picture at the 1000 party - but with all of us facing FORWARD :)  (i couldn't ask K.P. to turn around for the picture - he would think i was a psychopath!!!)

i love and adore you all.  you know that right?   :)

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is NOT in vain!"  1 Cor 15:58  (emphasis, mine and Heather's hehe)

Joyful meeeeeee

Michael tried to get away, but ha ha ha - we got the picture before he hid behind the statue!!!  :)  We are all holding up 5's 4's, or 3's for the 543 party LOL..  Actually... Dave on the left is holding up 6 halves.  (cuz he is silly like that LOL)  

My children push ME now.  oh my goodness this hike was awfulllllllll!!! but in a good way... you know like in a WOW!! I DID THAT!!! AND I NEVER WANT TO DO IT AGAIN- kind of way LOL   It was hard, and and they still wanted to keep going!  the nutjobs!!!  i love that they're little walkers now :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Halfway there...

The dinner with K.P Yohannan was so awesome!  I got a picture with him and had him sign his new book - so cool!  I admit - I was a little star-struck!! hahaha My sister kept laughing at me :)

He was so genuine!  After the dinner, I went to go get the picture and book, and when he turned to me, I didn't feel like I was bothering him at all.  It seemed like he sincerely wanted to hear what I had to say and would have talked with me for as long as I wanted.

and i can talk....

LOL  but - there were a lot of people there, and I didn't want them to feel like I was monopolizing him.. which I surely would have done!  so - i quickly got my picture, got his autograph ( LOL)  and moved on out...

oh well, maybe next time! :)  the book that he just finished is called No Longer A Slumdog.  I greedily want to keep it since I had it signed by him - but I know better!!!  so whoever would like it when I'm finished... its yours, as long as you pass it on to the next person :)

I was feeling a little bit "down" the night of the dinner.  Before I went, I was hmmm a little bit worn out from lots of running around the past few days - plus thinking about the prep for the 543 party the next day, and I had really just lost sight of what was important, and I gave into self-pity and doubt.

God used K.P. to remind me, once again, what it's really all about.  It's funny that I'm halfway through this journey, and I've gotten sidetracked along the way.  I would think that I would be more focused as time went on - but nope, I've gotten distracted.  The party was great - but it's not about the party - it's not about feeling supported -it's about spreading the Gospel for Christ - and K.P. reminded... we have the privilege of doing that.  Amen!

Once again, I'm seeing that God is ever so patient with me.

It was a great reminder, and it came at just the right time.  Halfway through, and I feel refreshed, and ready to keep on walkin :)

i do want to write about the party and show pictures, and tell you about the hike of death my kids took me on today.... but i'll do that tomorrow  (i know! i know!  2 bloggies in one week?  i'll spoil you. lol  don't get used to it.  but look for pics tomorrow :)

Brother K.P. - thanks for being God's instrument in the lives of millions of people!

love you all!

Monday, June 20, 2011

To stretch or not to stretch...

That is the question...

I mean, it's only walking!  Why would I need to stretch????  Right?

So my dad came up last week...(Last week,,, yes i know!  i'm sorry!!!!  it was our last week of school... i had so much to do - and i FINISHED one major project!!!! woo hoooo... so of course, i fell behind in my bloggies.)

But I digress.... so he came up last week, and we all walked up Boucher (pronounced Booker) - Papa, Sydney, Micah, and me me me.

I know why they call it Boucher now.  cuz when you walk it - you have to be bookin' up that thing! hehehee
wow, it was great!  it felt sooooo great!!! i mean, i don't like workouts to hurt - but this just felt like I was pushing my body to a limit, you know?  a good kind of pain!

(Laurel - like your trek up that mountain on Friday! hehehe)

Here is what it was like at the top - looking across a sea of clouds.  Is this the coolest picture or what?

I felt great!  and then, i came home - took off my shoes... and owwwwwww!  I've been limping for a week, but its gotten better and better each day.  It feels like there is just a huge rock in my heel.  Every time I step down on my right foot, the pressure is unbelievable!  I mean - for crying out loud... i was only WALKING!!!

I've been stretching it out - but its such a weird place to stretch!  It's not like a muscle, its like...  so weird!  I basically have to stretch out my Achilles to get to it, and then turn my foot in the most awkward position to really stretch it.  Weird right????  SO weird!

but I now know the answer to the eternal question: To stretch or not to stretch?

You wanna know?

Well, don't stretch, and you'll find out how important stretching is.   (I can hear my father's voice now. Yes, Dad, I know... if there is one thing you always taught me - it was to stretch.  Kids - listen to your parents.)

So, I'm kinda half-humiliated to admit that I got a walking injury! hahahahaa  i mean - really?  injured by walking?

That's like saying - Ooh boy!  all this breathing sure is hurting my lungs!   or...  Wow, my heart is really tired pumping all this blood through my body, day after day.    geez!  LOL

But then Paul gave me a little encouragement.  I was kinda mocking myself for getting a walking injury, and asking if he thought it was possible, and he said - with the amount of walking you do - i'd say it was totally possible.

yeah!!!!  i DO get a lot of walking in, huh!  Thanks Pablo.  way to turn it around for me! hehehehe

so now i'm not half-humiliated anymore.

i'm just a quarter-humiliated... tee hee!

anyway - pride comes before a walking injury.  Another good lesson.  take the 10 minutes to stretch, and you won't have to hobble around like a fool for a week.  I've taken the week off from walking to let it heal.  It's much better this morning (its usually the worst in the morning) so Sis and I will go for a little walk on Palomar today.  I'm going to try to catch up so the 543 party will actually be hitting mile 543 - but I don't want to overdo it.  Its just a symbol anyway!

This time I did NOT send out written invitations.  My mom told me last time - Leah.... you're trying to RAISE money!  Make it as inexpensive as you can, and give more to the well!   See kids?  Listen to your parents.   They know stuff.  lots of it!

so - 543 is this weekend!!!! woo hoooo  It will be this Sunday, after church, at Kit Carson park.  I am a little bit stressed about not finding a good spot.  I didn't want to skip church to find a spot!!!  So we're just going to head down right after church and pray that the Lord gives us the perfect spot for our party!  Will you pray too?  Thanks!  :)  When we get there and find a good spot, i will send out a massive text telling everyone where you can find us!

There are no tables down there - (i mean, i think there are a few picnic tables - but not like our last party) so bring blankets and chairs!  There's no sit down food this time either, it will be an ice cream social - so I don't think the tables are necessary....  blankets and chairs will be super fun!  Like a big ol' picnic  :)

Lord willing, we WILL be walking... but its not mandatory, of course!  We will walk first, so if you want to show up a little later after the walk - it will probably take us an hour or so?  There are kids that walk - so there's no need to push it hard!  just a nice little walk around Kit Carson - its so pretty!

there are NO hills to climb - so strollers work just fine there!

I will bring the ice cream - and you all bring the toppings!  Bring your favorite one.

I have an idea - but i don't know if it will work.   If everyone wants to comment on here what toppings they are bringing, then we won't have 100 chocolate sauces, and 2 sprinkles! hahaha  That way - everyone can just know what's already taken care of - does that sound good?

so just click on the blue comment link below and add your comment to say what topping you'll bring.

See you this Sunday!  (probably around 1:30? sound good?)

love you all!  me  :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Best day ever :)

yesterday was the best day!

it was the culmination of sooooo many answers to prayer!

i had been (in another project) coming up against so many brick walls - and then on Friday - boom!  showers of blessings!
everyone returned my calls- all in one day - things I had been searching for - for MONTHS! - the Lord finally led me straight to them!  and the fun thing is - he used such an unexpected messenger! hehehehe  ahhhh, my new brilliant friend Michael (from Texas, California, Europe???) will always have a special place in my heart hehehehe  (sorry - inside joke to my sister, hubby, and son)

so Saturday I just woke up in a beautiful wonderful stress free mood! 

I took Joey to the SAT's  (and he thinks he did well - i'm sure he did!!)  and with the time that I had waiting, I decided to work on a different project.  wow - i got sooooooooooo much done!  The Lord tied up all my loose ends with a gorgeous bow on top!  I sat back and was so unbelievably thrilled with how that 2nd project turned out.

When Joey mistakenly gave me the wrong time to pick him up, Joe suggested I walk the track at EHS.  It was the middle of the day - and so hot in the car, and i was like ehhhhh.

but I did it anyway - and i was so blessed!!  the weather in the car was ugh.  the weather outside of the car was perfect!  I started walking around the track and was surrounded by warriors! :)  don't you just love being surrounded by people of the same mind, the same passion, the same heart?!?!  people running, training, sprinting, football players throwing those tires around - you know, the huge tractor tires??  So with me racing around the track at my breakneck speed of 3.5 miles per hour (tee hee) I felt like I was training among true athletes. 

no - not among them... one of them!!  lol

its funny what your environment can do, right?  I was convinced that they were equally impressed with my feat of athleticism!  you know.... walking.


anyway!  then i came home and my sissy was there!  we got to spend time together talking, walking (yep just a bit more walking!), always laughing - and then she surprised us with a sweet gift!  Joe had changed her brakes, so she sent us out on a date!  We got to go out to eat, and then went to a movie.

Now - i have no idea what's in the theatres right now.  (I only know about two specific movies that are coming up and in the next few months, and Paula.... i can. not. wait. hehehehe)

but when you decide to go to a movie and you dont' know whats in - its pretty much a crapshoot.  Can i say crapshoot???  LOL that has to do with a game of chance, right?? not literally shooting.. forget it.

back to what i was saying!  so you gotta just kinda look at fandango's reviews and pick one.  we've done this before and been sorry - oh so sorry that we wasted the money, and frankly, been super sorry that we had lost 2 hours of our lives that we were never getting back!

but i wanted to go - and time was a-wastin... and i suggest a movie, and Joe says yep - sounds perfect, (which really means it was the perfect time cuz he wasn't paying attention to the reviews i was reading - only what times i was quoting... Joe, dont' even try, i know you too well)  i believe his exact words were "yeah, that one at 7:45 sounded great." 

"which one?"

"the one at 7:45"

hehehe at least he makes me laugh.

long story short (too late) - it was THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!!  maybe it was just a great end to a perfect day,  maybe it was cuz the tickets were $4.50 each (Temeku Cinemas - please don't ever go out of business), but i really loved that movie!

it was exactly the kind of movie i love!!!  twists, turns, puzzles, action, twoo wuv (hehe slightly obscure reference to my favorite movie of all time - anyone?  anyone?) and a great ending!!!  of course i figured it all out halfway through the movie, but i enjoy that!!!  cuz then when it all goes according to the plan in my head, i think... oh what a wonderful writer.. to give me just what i wanted!  lol

then we stop at the mailbox on the way home, and i have an invitation to meet K.P. Yochanan at a dinner in June - how cool is that????   (he is the founder for Gospel for Asia - the one that wrote Revolution in World Missions - the book that God used to point me on this path of well worth the walk :) 

and now.... now i wake up, and it hasn't ended.  looks like it wasn't just a perfect day!  it was part of an incredibly blessed weekend!  because i'm up - and i'm loved, and i'm writing to you, and i'm about to start getting ready for church!

i love my church.  i'm sure you all love yours, too - but i'm sorry to tell you, I have the best one.  :)

been worshipping, but can't wait to continue worshipping among my fellow saints!  don't you just love being surrounded by people of the same mind, the same passion, the same heart....

it's funny what your environment can do, but isn't it wonderful what the Spirit will do?

love you all,
Leah :)

pics today!!!

Gladiators go to arenas.  Warriors go to the track - and today my friends, I was a warrior.  lol

Eye of the Ti... Cougar?  sing it out, Rocky fans.  You know you'll have that song in your head for the rest of the day now.  You're welcome :)

Say it with me.  which party?
Party 543, baby.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight,
 and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
  looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him
endured the cross,  despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

500 at 543?

Yep - 500 is fast approaching!

however... many many things are happening in the month of June.

so how about a 543 party :) 

i like the sound of that!!! its so ultra-hip! hehe 

let's be really chic.  Party 543.  It sounds like a fantastic new hotspot.  LOL

so - come celebrate the halfway point with me!!  ok - a little over half, but really - just like Jami said on Sunday - we just want a reason to celebrate! it doesn't have to be exactly 500!  i like that girl.  :)

I have been doing a LOT of walking at Kit Carson - and i liiiiiiiike that park!  its perfect for our party.
you know...Party 543.  (sounds so cool- had to say it again)
there is plenty of parking, we can walk and party at the same place!  and its beautiful!  so i'm thinking June 25 or June 26.  It depends on my hubby - cuz he MUST be able to attend.  he's my favorite :)

This time it will be an ice cream social.  so i will bring the ice cream, bowls, and spoons!  Everyone can bring their favorite topping, and we will have fun sharing!  :)  I will have new games to play too - hehehe so make sure to keep an eye on Justin K. and my mom.  They are fun to watch! LOL

I'm in a talkative, silly mood today.  Blame it on Susie V.  She got me sidetracked off my schedule today!  I wrote her a long email and had so much fun :)  (Hi Susie!!!)

So I was feeling guilty about neglecting you all.  I keep saying I have no time, and its true - so true.... oh my goodness, if i could tell you everything that I was involved in - but you'll have to ask me in person.  or in email.  cuz here is not the place!!

But I thought how could i send out a big long email - and then say i have no time to send you a bloggie?? hehehe

so here i am... back to spend a little time with you!

I had planned on doing my 15 miles at the bay this past Monday.  but alas - we had to leave before i could complete it.  so i did 8.  and the hysterical thing is i felt disappointed that i only did 8. LOL  My mom walked part of the way with me and of course my ever-present Sydnerella did the full 8 and was begging to do the next 7! (i said no! lol  she's only 8!!)  hehehe  that girl :)  

How am i a walker now?? i was bummed that i only got to do 8, but i am planning the next time better, and will be back to tackle the 15!  plus then we'll stay for the Sea World fireworks, and I will pretend they are for me! hehehe

back to being a walker... isn't it strange how you can learn to appreciate things?  My Mikey is pretty stubborn.  I don't know where he gets it from *ahem*, but so many times he won't want to do something or try something because he thinks he won't like it - or because he prefers something else.  He gets his heart set on what he wants and he just won't trust that I have something better for him.  If it was up to him (and believe me - it's not lol) he would have pancakes for breakfast everyday, macaroni and cheese for lunch every other day, and pizza for dinner every night.  He doesn't mind the repetition.  He likes it - he actually is comforted by the dull predictability of life. But then... we stretch him!  hehehe  and most of the time, he learns to appreciate new things. 

I guess I can relate.  There are days when I don't want to be stretched.  I know its good for me, but I just don't want it.  I was like that about walking.  I think its why God put it on my heart to do it for well worth the walk.  He knew I needed to be put on the stretcher!  LOL  I knew it would be a challenge for me - physically, mentally, emotionally, even spiritually!

Halfway through...physically - I feel amazing,
mentally - so clear!
emotionally - in a mood?  try walking it out - wow, its better than medicine!
and spiritually - the Lord has met me on those walks so many times!!! I feel like I'm getting to know Him so much more, and its permeating every aspect of my life.

and now?  now I actually have those days where I'm longing to be stretched.  I'm enjoying the challenge.  I'm loving the fruits.  i'm a walker! hehehe

dont' get me wrong... i STILL don't want to go back to that mountain, Cory!!!  i said stretched - not pummelled!!! hahaha

but i AM a walker :)

love you, Leah :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I miss you!!

I've missed you all so much!  I just feel like all my spare moments have been going, going, gone!

Not that I don't have them actually... but when I do, sometimes its just spent relaxing.  surely you understand :)

lately, i've been feeling like I've been wearing a little bullseye on my back for the devil and his cronies... know what i mean?  I was sharing my thoughts on this with Matt and Jodi last night.  Its kinda like Survivor.  (yes we do watch it, and yes i felt like the finale on Sunday was a big old letdown!) 

In that game, you are trying to always keep the focus off of you until the bitter end.  If you can just make it another day - make it through another "tribal council", you will live a little longer in the game.  And it doesn't matter if you're lazy, if you're a shmoozer, or if you're a paranoid annoyance, (or a federal special agent?? Phillip, anyone? lol) - as long as someone else sticks out more than you - you're more than likely to be safe for another day.

Sometimes, I feel like that in life.  If I'm not really vocal for the kingdom, I can just keep to myself - play it safe - stay quiet - keep my head down, and i'll be left alone.  But just like the wimpy survivors who manage to make it to the end - those "competitors" who've played the game riding coattails.... what a letdown!  someone is given this cool opportunity, and they don't use it.  how worthless.  how sad.  how wasteful. 

Then of course - the other side....

As soon as you decide to make a move - creating a proverbial blip (even a small one) on the radar screen, BostonRob (for you fans - again lol) wants to take you down hard, and take you down fast.

I don't mean to liken him to the devil in this illustration! hahaha  but you get my point.

So the devil has just been having a field day with me.  There was (and still is!!) so much joy over getting our first well.  so much excitement about starting the "work" on the second one!  Plus - a lot of other personal things that are just soooooooo cool that God has just blessed blessed blessed me with... and it feels like the devil is just like. "whoa!!! boys! i just got a huge surge of joy on the screen.  seek and destroy guys!"

but as i was sharing with Joey yesterday morning, isn't it funny that even through all that - God will allow it because He wants to use those rough times to teach us! (Oh, if only we'll listen instead of complaining.  Good thing He's patient!!)

I was blessed to be hanging out with Steve and Tony C. the other day before practice, and Tony just looks at me and says "So what does get you mad Leah?"

For some reason... people think I never get mad cuz i smile so much! hahaha  Ask my sister.  I DO get angry.

I shared with him - you know what Tony?  I really value the peace in my home, but lately - I've been seeing that even peace that comes from Christ can be an idol if we seek IT above Him.  And sometimes the Lord will take that peace away to show us that our priorities are misplaced.

It was like I didn't truly realize it until I said it.

It just all keeps coming back to complete trust in Him.  Understanding that He loves us.  Living without fear.  Letting Him mold our hearts instead of balking... constantly. ugh.  

Is this a rambling blog today?  I feel like it makes sense to me... but what i guess I'm trying to say is - i'm a little battered on the outside, but still joyful on the inside because He keeps reminding me where it all comes from.

As far as the walking....I am STILL loving this journey.  Micah, Sydney, and I went on a nightwalk with a flashlight the other night and wow!!!!! sooooooooooo fun!!!  I am planning on doing a crazy 15 miler at the bay sometime soon - very soon.  I don't mind going by myself - but if anyone feels like jumping in... you are MORE than welcome :)

I don't think I walk too fast - but Joe has noticed that I am faster than I started out four months ago... but on a scale of 1-10,  1 being the old leah and 10 being a Margi... i am nowhere near a comfortable Margi pace yet.  I'm probably at a 6.32  :)  hehe

love you all so much.  thanks for the constant encouragement.  it never gets old to me :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

purchased :)

Because you weren't here with me.... here you go :)

Step 1 - checking the balance just to make sure! (yes that is my real name... Leah is just a nickname lol)

Step 2 - I'd like a Jesus Well please!

Step 3 - Proceed to checkout!

Step 4 - no, thank all of you!!!

Step 5 - the beginning of well # 2  :)

Step 6 - celebrate

Step 7 - really celebrate! 

Love you all!   Leah 

we will no longer be purchasing this well on December 1st.

Due to unforeseen circumstances- this Jesus well will no longer be sent on December 1, 2011


And tonight I will click "SEND" on the GFA website and send it on it's way!

Yes indeed! God is so good! He blessed us by stepping up our timetable by 7 months!!!

I wish that we could see the faces of the community that is about to be blessed with clean drinking water.  Wouldn't you just love to see the little children's faces?  But God sees them!

He made us part of this blessing- so take time today to find a quiet place and just say thank you to Him!

Well, my commitment was not just for one well. It was for 1000 miles. So.... I suppose I am onto well# 2.  hoo hoo!!!

Today's miles were out at Kit Carson and we got finished just before it got REALLY hot!  (The car said 102 at noon)

This weekend- the miles were scattered all over the mountain as we walked to the archery range, the riflery range, and most importantly yummy meals at the dining hall hehehe.

Our visitors were not used to our thin air but they kept up with us!  Tally, Natey and Emmy, thanks for being a part of well# 1 with me!  I had a blast with you guys and look forward to next time!!  :)

Well friends- thank you so much for all your support for well# 1.  We have 7 more months to go- I hope I get to walk with even more of you this next time! The Mile 500 party is only one month away- so get ready for fun in June :)

Love you all :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I had the best time yesterday walking with my little girl, Sydney.  Sis.  Sydnerella.  Sisslefritz.  Sisserpants.

If time slows when I walk with friends, time stops when I walk with her! That girl just fills my heart with joy. I remember when I was pregnant with her, and my mom asked if I had wanted a boy or a girl. Honestly, I had two boys already. I was comfortable with boys - and girls? They scared me. My mom kept saying - oh, you definitely want a girl. You have two boys! You need a girl.

Nope. I was hoping for a boy.

Once again, God showed His superior knowledge in using His “veto vote” regarding what I thought I wanted. This little girl has been the source of so much joy in my life. Not just as my daughter, but also as the Godly woman I can see growing in her as time progresses. The beginnings of our lifetime friendship is unfolding before me as our talks become increasingly transformed into conversations between sisters in Christ.

We talked and laughed the entire time, but the basis of the conversation was basically a good portion of my testimony. It didn’t start off that way. It started off talking about the beautiful landscape surrounding us, which reminded me of a story… (and with me - you know how the rest goes! hahaha)

It was so precious. I have a feeling I will remember that day all my life. No distractions, no real time limit, nobody else to focus on except each other, just time where my daughter and I connected. I got to share about many lessons that God had used in my life and how He has brought me to the point where I am now. She got to hear not just about the major moves in our family, but where my heart was as a believer, a wife, and a mother throughout those times.

Neither one of us wanted our time to end. She kept saying “noooo let’s not go home yet! I can walk for 100 more hours!!”

However, it was time to end the walk. We made plans to take another walk like that soon - but I told her our conversation could continue at home. We both ran baths in our separate bathrooms (we needed a nice, hot soak, it was a looooong walk) and then we talked to each other over the distance by using the intercom on our cordless phones. Don’t worry! She had it on speaker and far away from the bathwater!

It was just another extraordinary time spent walking and talking, and seeing God’s goodness over it all!
Oh - before I end, she would want me to share this part. It had been a gorgeous day. The combination of sun and breeze was perfect weather for our walk. However, there was fog in the distance, threatening to bring cooler weather at any moment. We had both chosen to leave our jackets at home so we didn’t have to deal with any extra bulk on our walk. On the way back home, the fog became aggressive. About 100 yards in front of us, it became clear that we were going to be surrounded by misty, cold fog in about a minute. So we prayed!

The entire time home, there was a bubble of sunshine that encircled us.(maybe He re-used the same bubble of sunshine from my Seattle trip?? hehe) It was wild. It would seem so inevitable that we were about to be encased in fog in just a few more steps, and then all of the sudden - the wind would just blow and it would dissipate. But Sydney kept looking behind us, and cracking herself up. About 100 yards behind us, you could see the fog rushing over the road and closing back over where we had been. Above us - blue skies. It was fun to watch her be just as amazed as I am with His handiwork. I told her it wouldn’t surprise me if He was completely enjoying making us laugh, and if he was also up in heaven giggling with us.

God, laughing. Isn’t that a vision you can’t wait to see with your own eyes?

Oh friends - He is so good, and He loves to see us recognize His goodness displayed in every day scenes. I love getting to share this with you all.

I know that I haven’t had the number of miles ready for those of you who have asked, so I checked my calendar today and after today’s miles, I will be at 345!   1/3 of the way there!

Thanks for your love!!!   Leah

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The time? Well, you see, this watch happens to be made in...

Lately, I’ve been feeling like I can’t keep up! God has been allowing me to be involved in a few different projects and though I’m loving it - the blog has been the first thing to slow down.

Its not because I’m not learning. Its because I’m learning too much and sometimes its hard to share these little nuggets that God shares with me. I think it’s the reason why I tell long stories. I don’t mean to talk forever, but once I get started - I just see so much meaning in every little detail and before you know it - I’m off on a 40 minute dissertation! hahaha

All my life, my Dad has said , “Ask Leah what time it is, and she’ll tell you how the watch was made.”

Think about that for a second. From my point of view… how the watch was made IS important! Hahaha I mean - if it’s a junky watch, the time might be off or it might break after 5 months. Does it run fast or slow? How reliable is it? It does make a difference, but sometimes people just want to know the general time, not the exact hour, minute, and ever-changing second. I guess I have a hard time not living in the details.

Enter this blog.

There are days when I see deep into the smallest details. I just see His hand and hear His voice in them, and, it blows my mind. Its like what Pastor John was talking about on Sunday. Doesn’t it just blow your mind that the Creator of the universe doesn’t just listen to you - but has a very active conversation with you??

Sometimes, I’m just extremely aware and sensitive to the running conversation between the Lord and myself. It feels like at any point, I can almost turn around and see Him smiling at me, like… “yep, I just did that for you”.

To which I respond… “Yeah You did!!  but why??? I so do not deserve it.” (I just can’t seem to get it some days.)

“Because I love you.”

“yeah, I know you do but -”

“No, Leah, I really love you. I really. Love. you.”


How to put this into a blog becomes a very difficult thing for me. I want to share my joy - but not just my joy - the reason why that joy is so cool! God is so amazing - but I don’t just want to say that - I want to tell you how and why and what He just did and how its connected to even the next amazing part of my day - how the fact that we’re talking about it is all Him and His Spirit in our lives, and its just easy to digress and boom… I’m talking about the watch again.  No - not the watch. The Watchmaker.

So - whew. Its very hard for me to summarize. I try. I do try!

These probably won’t mean much to you - but these are the things that gave me joy this week. They were neat things - by themselves - but they were made even more special because God spoke to me - directly - through them.

  • Walking with my friends, the conversations were completely inspired by God. Speaking of watches, mine MUST be wrong. Because my watch seems to stop when I walk by myself. But with you, the minute hand flies. How is that? You are such a gift to God to me. I love each and every one of you so dearly.
  • Talking with my children. I can’t even begin. If I do, this blog will never end.
  • Asking for a quick prayer over a text to my family. Each one praying right then and there and immediately texting me back. I know - it’s a text. But I turned around and I think I did catch a glimpse of Him smiling. He knows my heart - He gets it.
  • During a night of worship, Tony sharing with us his passionate love for the Word of God. Does it get any better?
  • An email conversation with a brand new friend. I cant wait to get to know you better Sally (and Pete!!), even though I feel like we already know one another! Crazy, right?
  • Laughter…. Oh my goodness - lately I have been laughing so hard that I wheeze. (Margi calls it my Muttley laugh and I think she hit the nail on the head.) Most of you can get me going easily, but none so easily as my sister who is coming up today to walk with me. I missed her.
  • Of course, the well. It is on my mind the way a baby is on your mind throughout the pregnancy. Always there. In some form, it is always there. It’s a part of me now, and I am loving all that God is bringing with it.
  • My hubby supports me and shows it. Love.
Maybe some of these resonate with you, maybe they don’t. I’m trying to tell you the time - not about the inner workings of the watch. But please understand - none of it matters without the Watchmaker. Praying that you get to know Him intimately.

Love you!

Love this pic!

All over creation and back!
hahahaha Laurel

Here is the path to creation and back

It doth go by this name.

Sis relaxing with a mountain lion and her cub,.
The girl is always finding photo opportunities hehe

Four reasons why I laugh

These kids are troopers.  Man!  I was tired!
They just kept moving!!
Break for a tadpole check here....

About to cross the creek!
and they did it all by themselves :)