Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tomorrow is December 1st :)

Hi there friends :)

There is only one day left for any donations.  Tomorrow, whatever we have will go to India!  And you have no idea how excited I am about that :)

As for my final "official" walk - Sunday was beautiful.  It was simple.  It was gorgeous outside.  It was just what I needed.

Joe and I walked the three miles while the "twinsies" played at the playground. (Our Joey watched them while we walked)

I had considered having them all come walk with us at least one of the laps - but they looked so happy playing at the new playground - it just felt right to let them enjoy the swings :)

My sister and Matt did a celebratory lap with us (she was even in her church clothes! hehe)  and Paul and Jami said yes to joining us- but their two littles (Jed and Simeon) said no! hehehe  That's ok!  When their littlest little was just born - he braved the chilly, rainy weather to come to the first 250 party!  I am smiling thinking back to that day - that was a good day :)

Today I will do a final "unofficial" walk with Adrienne and her littlest little, Micah.  I say unofficial - because technically I have reached my 1000 miles.  This is just the few miles added on before December 1st - the official end of my sweet journey.

In some ways -it's over.  But in other ways - it's really just beginning.

After our walk on Sunday - we went to Christy's house to celebrate Orphan Sunday.  (what a GREAT time that was!)  At one point in our day - someone was talking about how we are exposing our children to such a wonderful thing by opening up our hearts and lives to adoption.  He reminded us that "what parents do in moderation, children do in excess".  What a great thought!  We adopt one - maybe two... what will they do?  Wow!

Having come freshly off of our walk - Gospel for Asia was on my mind, and I immediately related the two concepts and confirmed in my mind how true the proverb was!

A few months into my 1000 miles - Micah and Sydney were just loving what was going on!  They loved the excitement of raising money for a well.  Micah used to talk about "what if we found 10,000 dollars - think how many toys, vacations, new cars we could buy! "   ( -ahhhh to be a child and not realize how far a dollar will go. hahahaha)

but - after the well walk started - he started saying - "what if we found 10,000 - think of how many Jesus wells we could buy!"

love that boy.

soon that wasn't enough - and both he and Sydney decided they were going to do their own little journey.  I encouraged them - but honestly, I was thinking...  sure they're excited now - but this will probably pass.

It didn't.  So they asked me what they could raise money for.  I said - go open the catalog and see what really interests you!

Parents, if you do this - be prepared. LOL   Apparently, I should have given them a little more direction?  hehehe

Micah chose a $11,000 church and Sydney chose a $1800 generator for the church.


Before I brought them my dose of reality - the LORD kept me quiet.  He just spoke to my heart very clearly and told me to encourage them, smile, and sit back and watch Him work.

so... with clenched teeth - i said greeeeeeeeeeeeat!  Let's do it!

We didn't think that walking would be a good platform for their mission, but we didn't really have any idea what we could do.  I told them - well, we're not in any rush.  Let's wait for the LORD to tell us what to do.  In the next few months, He made it clear what we should do.  Memorize Romans.  yep- all of it.  :)

Don't worry... I'm not "hitting my friends up" for $12,800.  I'm pretty much letting the LORD handle the publicity on that one! hahahaha  I think I might need a slightly bigger circle of friends ;)  or just one really rich friend hehehehe.

Allllllll that to say...  (winking at you Joe)

Here is the point.  He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.  (shedding a tear or two right now)  Isn't He just so good?

Let me say it again.

Isn't He - just - SO - GOOD!

He doesn't just complete it with you - He takes it onto the next generation and then the next!  He is faithful to me through my children and children's children.  He loves us so much that He did this journey - for me, for you, for our family in Asia.  This was for Him, by Him and through Him.

Thank you thank you thank you for your love.  for your support. for your attention.  for you!

If I could express one thing to you that I learned along the way - take this with you.  (and i'm borrowing this from you Christy!)

Live to give His love away.

I never like saying Goodbye.  It just sounds so final, doesn't it?  But the other day, I read where the word "goodbye" comes from.  It means "God be with ye."   Neat, right?

so..... i love you all.  
God be with you

Joy- FULL Le :)


  1. OHHH sister! i am so excited for what the Lord has done in your life. This year has been a long and great journey for you!! He has used you in many ways to contribute to SO MANY lives. I love your bloggie and have a feeling this isn't the end. What shall we call Mikey & Syd's bloggie? Love you!!!

  2. And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
    Phil 1:6
    I praise God for what HE has done in your life, and in ours and look forward to what HE will faithfully continue to do~!!! I LOVE YOU~!
