Sunday, January 2, 2011

Catching up!

Well it's day 7 and I just finished mile #21! I haven't been able to get online to blog because our Internet is down. Sigh- the price you pay for living in the boonies! Haha
It's still down now so I am actually posting with my hubby's iPhone! Gotta love it. :)

It's snowing today so I was back on the treadmill but yesterday I had the best time walking with the kiddles and my sister! Time flew by and we had such fun! I'll see if I can post a pic of where we got to go when I can get back online :)  (pics are now posted below - EXTRA CREDIT: anybody know where they were taken??)

the kids are too fast for me :)

Looking forward to getting out with her again but I'm sure we will be homebound with snow for a few days, yuck! I thought I left east coast weather behind me for good!
Oh well :)

Mickles the Pickles taking a rest

Time to go snuggle with the Princess of Snuggling. Movie time for us while the snow comes down. We thought we were locked out of the house today for a few minutes and can I just tell you... Looking for the key in the beginning of a snowstorm- wow!!!! Whole new appreciation for a nice cozy warm house. Thank you Lord for providing for all our needs!!

Cool sculpture in the Magical Garden!

1 comment:

  1. Loved this day! I want to go back there. Just an added bonus that Niki de Saint Phalle's sculptures were in the middle of our trail! Love her work
